Alright, let’s talk about these 2-player volleyball games, you know, the kind you can play without needing a whole bunch of folks. It ain’t gotta be fancy, y’know? Just somethin’ to pass the time and have a bit of fun.

Simple Fun with a Friend
So, you got you and another person, right? That’s all you need. Some folks call it “two player volleyball games,” but I just call it playin’ around with the ball. You don’t need no fancy net or nothin’. If you got a rope, heck, even a clothesline, you can tie it up between two trees or poles. That’s your net! Make it high enough so you gotta jump a little, but not so high you can’t reach it. Common sense, ya know?
Now, the rules? Keep it simple, I say. Hit the ball over the rope. Don’t let it hit the ground on your side. You can hit it with your hands, your arms, even your head if you’re feelin’ wild! Just get it over that rope. We ain’t playin’ in no Olympics here, just havin’ a good time. Some games they use them fancy rules, like you can only hit it three times. We don’t need none of that. Hit it as many times as you need, just get it over! And if the ball goes out, well, just throw it back in. No need to be all fussy about it.
- Find a rope or somethin’ like it.
- Tie it up between two trees or somethin’.
- Hit the ball over the rope.
- Don’t let it hit the ground on your side.
Making it a Little More Interesting
Okay, so you played a bit and you want somethin’ a little more…spicy? Here’s what you do. Instead of just hittin’ it back and forth, try countin’ points. Every time the other person misses, you get a point. First one to, say, ten points wins. Then you can start all over again!
And if you’re feelin’ real energetic, you can add some jumpin’. You gotta jump to hit the ball, see? Makes it a bit harder and more fun. And if you really wanna get fancy, you can try to set the ball up for each other. You know, one person hits it up high, and the other person jumps and spikes it down! But don’t go breakin’ your arm tryin’ to be all fancy-pants. Just have fun with it. I saw some young’uns playin’ somethin’ they called “Volley Random”. Looked like fun, all that jumpin’ and smackin’. But it also looked a bit wild for my old bones.

No Rope? No Problem!
Now, what if you ain’t got no rope or nothin’ to use as a net? Don’t you worry, you can still play! Just get three people together. One person holds the rope over their head, that’s the net! The other two people hit the ball back and forth over the rope-person’s head. Simple as that! It’s like that game, “Pill Volley”, though I ain’t never seen no pills flyin’ around on a volleyball court. Kids these days and their fancy names for things. Anyways, with three people, you can take turns holding the “net” so everyone gets to play.
Just Get Out There and Play!
Look, the important thing is to get outside and have some fun. Don’t worry about the rules too much. Don’t worry about if you’re doing it “right.” Just get a ball, get a friend, and start hittin’ it around. You’ll figure it out as you go. It ain’t rocket science, it’s just playin’ volleyball! You don’t need to know all the fancy volleyball rules, like when you can substitute players, or what happens if you touch the net. We ain’t professionals, we’re just tryin’ to have a good time. So get out there, get movin’, and enjoy yourself! And remember, keep it simple, keep it fun, and don’t be afraid to make up your own rules. That’s how we used to do it back in the day, and it worked just fine for us. And that, my friends, is all there is to it. Now go on and play!
Some Extra Tips, Just in Case
If the sun’s in your eyes, switch sides. No point in squintin’ the whole time. And if you get tired, take a break! Nobody says you gotta play till you drop. And for goodness sake, stay hydrated! Drink some water or somethin’ before you start, and keep some handy while you’re playin’. Nothin’ worse than gettin’ all dizzy and dehydrated in the middle of a game. Oh, and one more thing, be nice! It’s just a game, no need to get all mad and competitive. Laugh a little, have some fun, and don’t take it too seriously. That’s what makes it a great “two player volleyball game” after all.

And if you get really good, maybe you can find some more people and play a real game with a real net and everything. But even if you don’t, that’s okay too. Just havin’ fun with a friend, that’s all that matters. Now go on, git!