Well, let me tell you about this thing called Aeria Games & Entertainment. I heard folks talkin’ about it, and it’s somethin’ about them video games. You know, the ones the young’uns are always starin’ at on them phones and computers.
Seems like Aeria Games was a big shot in that world. Like a big ol’ farm with lots of different crops, but instead of corn and beans, they had these games. They had all sorts, some you download, some you play right on the internet, and some on them little phones.
They said this Aeria Games started back in, oh, 2006, I reckon. Long time ago. And they were based out in that fancy Silicon Valley place. Where all them smart folks make these computer things. They were makin’ games for folks in North America. That’s what I heard, anyway.
- They had a whole bunch of them games, too. More than ten. Like a whole field full of ’em!
- Nineteen of them MMO things, I think they called them. You play with lots of other people all at the same time.
- Eleven of those are still going, still kickin’. Just like some of my old hens, they just keep on layin’.
Now, these games, they were free. Free like the air you breathe! But if you wanted extra stuff, like a fancy hat for your character or somethin’, you had to pay a little somethin’. They called it “micropayment,” like payin’ for little things. Just like when I go to the general store and buy a little piece of candy. That’s how they made their money, these Aeria Games folks, sellin’ little extras in their games, and with them ads you see everywhere.
Folks would get together on this Aeria Games place, like a big community. Like a town hall meetin’, but for playin’ games. They’d chat and play and all that. Any questions about the game, they had to ask. And the fewer questions, the better it was, I guess. They could share things, like we share gossip at the quilting bee, except it was about these video games.
They say that in February of 2023, this past year, Aeria Games closed its doors. Shut down, like an old well that’s run dry. All their games went off to other places, other companies, like when you sell your livestock at the market. It’s a little sad, but things change, you know?
They said Aeria Games & Entertainment had a whole bunch of different games. It is like a big old list, just like my grocery list, but with game names instead.

Some of them Aeria Games were about fightin’, some about buildin’ things, some about who knows what. The young’uns sure do love ’em, though. Spend hours and hours just starin’ at them screens. I don’t rightly understand it all, but it keeps ’em out of trouble, I suppose.
They also had games in other places, like Europe. That’s way over the ocean. They were one of the biggest game places over there. It is like being the farmer with the most land, you know? Everyone knows who you are.
Now, I heard some folks sayin’ you could guess these games. They had twenty questions you could ask about the game. Just like that game we play at the church picnic. You try to figure out what somethin’ is by askin’ questions.
Well, that’s all I know about this Aeria Games & Entertainment. It’s a whole different world, that’s for sure. But it seems like it was a big deal for a while there. Just goes to show you, things are always changin’. Like the weather, you never know what’s comin’ next. Now, you young’uns go on and have fun with your games. Just don’t forget to do your chores! And remember, everything changes, even these fancy computer games. This Aeria Games is gone now, but there will be others. That’s just how things go.