Oh, honey, you wanna hear about them PS2 volleyball games, huh? Well, sit down, sit down, let me tell you what I know. That PlayStation 2, you know, that black box thing, it had a whole bunch of games. And, you know, some of them was about volleyball. That game where you hit the ball over the net, you know? My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I remember seeing them young folks playin’ those games. They sure did love it.

Now, these games, they ain’t like real volleyball. You don’t get all sweaty and dirty. You just use your thumbs, pushin’ them buttons like crazy. And there’s all sorts of ’em. Some, they try to be like the real thing, you know, with all them rules. You gotta get 25 points, I think, to win. And you gotta win by two, at least. That’s what them young folks told me. If it went on long enough, they’d play to 15 points, in what they called the last game or something. And if you was winning three of them games, you was the big winner of the whole match. It’s all kinda confusing for an old gal like me. But they sure seemed to know what they was doing, those kids.
But then there’s other games, they’re just for fun. No need to worry ’bout all them rules. Just hit the ball, try to make the other fella miss. It’s like when we used to play in the yard, just whacking the ball around, laughin’ and having a good time. Those are the kind I liked to watch. Less thinkin’, more fun, you know?
PlayStation 2, that thing was somethin’ else. More games than you can shake a stick at. Over 4000, they say. Can you believe that? Over 4000 games! It’s like a whole world in that little box. And some of ’em was real good, I hear. Folks talkin’ ’bout ’em all the time. SSX Tricky, whatever that is. Sounds kinda wild, don’t it?
They had games for everyone, I reckon. Shoot ’em ups, scary ones, even them ones based on TV shows. That PS2 had it all. It was somethin’ special, that’s for sure. Brought a lot of joy to a lot of folks, that’s what matters, right? And if you like volleyball, well, you are covered too, you know.
If you got one of them PlayStation 2s, you should try those volleyball games. Might be fun. You don’t need to be no athlete, just gotta have good thumbs, I guess. And who knows, maybe you’ll even like it better than the real thing. No sunburn, no bugs, just good old-fashioned fun. That’s what them young folks always say, anyway.
That PlayStation 2, it was a real game changer, pardon the pun. I remember when it first came out. Everyone was talkin’ about it. It was the new thing, you know? Like them hula hoops, or them Cabbage Patch dolls. Everyone had to have one. And I guess they was right. It did change things. Made video games a bigger deal, I suppose. You see people playing them all the time now.

- It was a big deal, that PS2.
- Lots of folks loved it.
- It had tons of games on it.
- Even them volleyball games.
- Games that were all pretend and real like.
- Winning three games means you done good.
Those were some good times. Simpler times, maybe. Before everyone had their noses stuck in their phones all day. We used to talk to each other, you know? Play games outside. Now, it’s all about these screens. But I guess that’s just the way things are now. Progress, they call it.
Well, anyway, that’s all I got to say about them PS2 volleyball games. It was fun talkin’ to you, honey. You come back and visit anytime, you hear? We can talk about somethin’ else next time. Maybe them newfangled phones, or them electric cars. Or maybe just about the weather. That’s always a good topic, ain’t it? The weather was always something to talk about. Some days are sunny, some are rainy, some are cold, you know.
That PlayStation 2 sure was somethin’, though, lots of people thought so. People would say it was the best thing since sliced bread. And all them games. Just thinkin’ about it makes my head spin. Like I said, it would win if it got 25 points first. Unless it was the last game, then it’d be 15 points. Or maybe some games just want you to have fun. That’s important, too. Have a good time. Don’t think too hard. Just have fun.