You know, I heard folks talking ’bout this volleyball game on PS5. I ain’t never played one of them new-fangled video games, but my grandkids, they sure do love ’em. They’re always glued to that there screen, thumbs movin’ faster than a greased piglet at the county fair.

Volleyball Game on that PS5 Thing
This volleyball game, they say it’s somethin’ else. Got all them players jumpin’ and divin’, just like on the TV. ‘Cept, you control ’em with them little buttons and sticks. Seems mighty complicated to me, but the young’uns, they pick it up quick as a wink.
I seen ’em playin’ it, and it looks real enough, I reckon. The players, they got all sorts of moves. They can spike the ball real hard, make it go whizzin’ past the other team. Or they can do a little dink shot, just barely over the net. Tricky little devils, they are. This PS5 volleyball game has it all, I guess.
- You can play with your friends, they say.
- You gotta win three sets to win the whole dang match, just like the real thing.
- Each set goes up to 25 points, ‘cept the last one, that’s only 15.
- Gotta win by two points, though, so it can go on for a spell.
They say this PS5 thing, it makes the game look real pretty. All shiny and colorful, like a freshly painted barn. My eyes ain’t what they used to be, but even I can see it looks mighty fine. My grandkids, they say it is the best-looking game on PS5. I do not know about that, but they sure love it.
Back in my day, we didn’t have none of these fancy video games. We played real volleyball, out in the sun, with a net strung between two trees. Got plenty of exercise, we did. And the fresh air, can’t beat that with a stick. But this is a volleyball game PS5 version. Different times.
But these kids today, they seem to enjoy these video games just as much. They get all excited, yellin’ and hollerin’ at the screen. It’s a different kind of fun, I suppose. And if it keeps ’em outta trouble, well, that’s all right by me. This PS5 volleyball thing is popular with them.
Winning that Volleyball Game
They tell me you gotta be quick to win at this volleyball game. Gotta react fast, move your players around just right. It ain’t as easy as it looks, they say. Takes practice, just like anything else. You need to learn all the buttons to push. Hard for an old lady like me.

They even got different teams you can choose from, from all over the world. Don’t know why they’d wanna do that, but hey, whatever floats their boat. Maybe they wanna pretend they’re playin’ for some fancy foreign team. Kids and their imaginations! But it is all in this volleyball game PS5 version.
This PS5 thing, it sure is a marvel. Can’t believe how far technology has come. When I was a girl, we were lucky to have a radio, let alone a video game. Now they got these little boxes that can do just about anything. They even have a volleyball game in there!
- They say there are other volleyball video games, too.
- Some are old, some are new.
- But this PS5 one, they say it’s one of the best.
I reckon if you’re into volleyball, and you got one of them PS5 things, you might wanna check out this game. Seems like a hoot, even for an old lady like me who don’t know a joystick from a joy buzzer. The kids like this volleyball game on PS5, so it must be good.
But don’t forget to get some fresh air every now and then, too. Can’t spend all your time cooped up inside, starin’ at a screen. Go outside, play some real volleyball, or just take a walk in the woods. It is good for ya. But if you want to play inside, this PS5 volleyball game sounds like fun.
Well, that’s all I know about this volleyball game on PS5. Just what I heard from the young’uns. Might not be much, but it’s somethin’. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got some chores to do. These chickens ain’t gonna feed themselves, you know.