Well, let me tell you, these young folks today, they’re all about that brd entertainment, whatever that means. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy things. We had to make our own fun. But these kids now, they got their fancy boxes and their moving pictures. It’s a whole different world, I tell ya.

They say this thing called “chess” is the most popular thing. My grandson, bless his heart, he tried to teach me once. Too many rules, too much thinkin’. I prefer a good game of checkers, you know, somethin’ simple. But they say this “chess” been around since, when was it? 1200? Land sakes, that’s older than dirt! Lots of folks must like it, I guess.
Now, they got this other thing, something called “PUBG.” They say it’s what all the kids are playin’ these days. 100 million of ’em, all over the world, shootin’ each other on those little screens. Sounds awful to me, but what do I know? My grandkids love it. They run around yellin’ “winner winner chicken dinner!” Don’t make a lick of sense, but they sure have fun.
And this “ROBLOX,” that’s another one. They say it was the big thing last September. All the kids playin’ it on their computers. I see ’em, hunched over, clickin’ away. They say it’s like buildin’ with blocks, but on the screen. Back in my day, we just used real blocks. Less noise, I tell ya. Less noise.
- Minecraft
- Fortnite
- That Counter-Strike thing
- Call of Duty, more shootin’
- The Sims, like playin’ house
- League of Legends, whatever that is
- Valorant, sounds dangerous
- Grand Theft Auto, sounds like trouble
These are what those young’uns are playin’, apparently. Don’t ask me what any of it means. All sounds like a bunch of hootin’ and hollerin’ to me. But they like it, so I guess that’s what matters, right? Keeps ’em outta trouble, mostly.
Then there is this “Minecraft”. I think it is kinda like that “ROBLOX”. They build stuff too I guess. Kids seem to like it. There is also this “Fortnite” which I hear a lot from those little ones. They jump around and dance and shoot. Too much for me.
There is also this “Counter-Strike” thing. It seems like these games all have a lot of shootin’. Not my cup of tea. Then there is “Call of Duty”. Seems like more shootin’. Why can’t they play somethin’ nice and quiet?

They got this other one called “The Sims.” It’s like playin’ house, I guess. They make little people and make ’em do things. Seems kinda boring to me. We used to just play house with our dolls. No need for a fancy computer for that.
Then there’s this “League of Legends.” No idea what that’s about. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense. And “Valorant.” That one sounds dangerous. They got guns and powers and all sorts of things. Kids these days, I tell ya.
And don’t even get me started on “Grand Theft Auto.” Sounds like trouble to me. Stealin’ cars and what not. What are they teachin’ these kids?
They say these are the best brd entertainment. The best games, they call ’em. I guess if you like that sort of thing. Me, I prefer a good book or a nice sit on the porch. But times are changin’, I reckon. These brd entertainment things are here to stay.
They got a whole list of ’em, too. Some fellas called “IGN” made a list of 25 games. All from the last 10 years. They say these are the best of the best. Don’t ask me, I haven’t played any of ’em. But the kids sure seem to like ’em. Keeps ’em busy, I guess. That’s important, keepin’ busy.
So, yeah, that’s what I know about this brd entertainment. It’s a big deal, apparently. Lots of people playin’ these games. Makes a lot of money, too, I hear. It’s a whole industry, they say. Bigger than we ever had back in my day. It’s a new world, I tell ya. A new world.

Well, that’s all I got to say about that. These brd entertainment things are beyond me. But if it makes the young folks happy, then I guess it’s alright. Just wish they’d keep the noise down sometimes. An old lady needs her peace and quiet, you know?