Well, let me tell you ’bout my first volleyball game. Never seen nothin’ like it. First off, I gotta say, I didn’t know nothin’ ’bout this here volleyball game. My grandkid, bless her heart, dragged me along. Said she needed some support. Support? I figured I was there to hold her water bottle or somethin’. Boy, was I wrong!
So, there I am, sittin’ on these hard bleachers, watchin’ these young’uns runnin’ around like chickens with their heads cut off. First thing I noticed? That ball! It’s all white and shiny, and they smack it so hard, I swear it sounds like a gunshot. My ears were ringin’! They kept yellin’ somethin’ about a “bump,” a “set,” and a “spike.” Sounded like gibberish to me.
Took me a while to figure it out, but I think I got it now. The bump is when they hit the ball with their arms, like they’re tryin’ to swat a fly. Then the set, that’s when they kinda push the ball up in the air real gentle, like they’re makin’ biscuits. And the spike? That’s when they jump up high and slam the ball down like they’re hammerin’ a nail! Powerful stuff, let me tell ya.
- Bump: Like swattin’ flies.
- Set: Like makin’ biscuits.
- Spike: Like hammerin’ nails.
Now, these kids, they were somethin’ else. Some of ’em were tall and skinny, others were short and stout. But they all moved so fast! They were jumpin’, divin’, and rollin’ all over the place. I was worried they were gonna break somethin’! But they just kept on goin’, never missin’ a beat.
And the mistakes? Oh, honey, there were plenty of those! My grandkid told me they got all sorts of funny names for ’em. Like when the ball hits the net, they call it a “net foul.” And when they hit the ball out of bounds, they call it “out.” Seems simple enough, but these kids were makin’ all kinda mistakes. But ya know what? They didn’t let it get ’em down. They just shook it off and kept playin’. That’s what I like to see. Gotta be tough in this world, that’s for sure.
I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout how important it is to breathe and stay calm durin’ the game. Said somethin’ ’bout breathin’ in and out real slow, countin’ to four each time. Said it helps with the nerves. Nerves? Them kids? They didn’t look nervous to me! They looked like they were havin’ the time of their lives. But I guess it’s important to stay focused, not get lost in your own head. Gotta pay attention to the next play, not worryin’ ’bout what happened before or what might happen later.
My grandkid also said somethin’ ’bout warmin’ up and stretchin’ before the game. Said it helps ya avoid gettin’ hurt. Well, that makes sense, I guess. Can’t be runnin’ around like a crazy person without warmin’ up first. Gotta loosen those muscles up, get ’em ready for action. And they gotta use the right moves too, so they don’t pull somethin’. Sounded kinda like workin’ in the fields all day, gotta stretch before and after, else ya can’t get out of bed the next mornin’!

There was also some talk about how in beach volleyball, they use that bump thing all the time to set the ball, but inside, they don’t like it so much. Said somethin’ ’bout needin’ “soft hands” for the inside game. Seems kinda silly to me. If it works on the beach, why wouldn’t it work inside? But what do I know? I’m just an old lady watchin’ a bunch of kids play with a ball.
And them volleyball players, the really good ones? They say they gotta think smart, not just hit hard. Like that Kerri Walsh Jennings and Karch Kiraly, whoever they are. My grandkid says they’re famous players! I guess even in a game like this, ya gotta use your brain. Gotta think ahead, know where the ball is goin’, and know what your teammates are gonna do. It ain’t just about brawn, it’s about brains too.
Anyways, by the end of the game, I was hoarse from yellin’ and my hands were clappin’ like crazy. I didn’t understand all the rules, and I sure didn’t know all the fancy moves, but I had a good time. And my grandkid’s team? They won! They were all smilin’ and huggin’ each other. It was a good feelin’. Made me proud. Even if I didn’t play a lick of volleyball, I felt like I was part of the team.
So, that’s my story ’bout my first volleyball game. It was loud, it was fast, and it was confusin’. But it was also fun. And I learned a few things too. I learned that it takes more than just muscle to play this game. It takes teamwork, smarts, and a whole lotta heart. And it takes a good set of lungs to cheer ’em on!
The important stuff: Bump, set, and spike. That’s what it’s all about. And havin’ fun, of course. Can’t forget about that. That’s what my grandkid always said. Just get out there and have a good time. That’s good advice for life, not just volleyball.
So, if you ever get a chance to watch a volleyball game, go for it. You might just surprise yourself. You might even learn a thing or two. And who knows, you might even find yourself yellin’ and clappin’ along with the rest of us crazy folks.