Well, let me tell you, this computer entertainment thing is somethin’ else. Back in my day, we didn’t have none of that. We played outside, rain or shine. But these days, everyone’s glued to them screens. My grandkids, they’re always on them computers, playin’ games and whatnot. It ain’t natural, I tell ya.

They say it’s fun, this computer entertainment. I guess it can be, seein’ all them colors and movin’ pictures. But too much of anythin’ ain’t good for ya. My eyes get tired just lookin’ at it for a minute. Imagine starin’ at it all day long! And sittin’ there, all hunched over. It ain’t good for your back, let me tell ya. Kids need to move and run. Play outside in the sun.
I heard them sayin’ it can make you sick, spendin’ too much time on that computer thing. They say it messes with your head. Makes you sad and worried and all that. I seen it in my grandkids sometimes. They get all grumpy when they gotta stop playin’ and come eat supper. It’s like they’re in a different world. It is bad for them, I know.
And that light, that bright light comin’ from the screen. They say it keeps you up at night. You can’t sleep good if you’re starin’ at that thing before bed. We need our rest to be strong, to feel good. The blue light from the computer hurts the eyes, and the mind, that’s what I heard. Computer entertainment maybe is not very good for health, I think.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s all bad. I seen them learnin’ things on that computer. They can talk to their cousins who live far away. They can see pictures of places all over the world. That’s somethin’, I reckon. But they gotta be careful. They gotta know when to stop.
If you’re gonna be on that thing, you gotta do it right. Sit up straight, they say. Don’t be slouchin’. And don’t be too close to the screen. It’ll hurt your eyes, I imagine. And take some breaks, walk around. You know, stretch your legs. Just like when you’re doin’ anythin’ else. Too much of anythin’ ain’t good.
- They say you gotta set it up right, the computer, so you ain’t hurtin’ yourself.
- And don’t forget to blink! Keeps your eyes from gettin’ all dry and scratchy, I guess.
- And eat your vegetables! Good food makes you strong, helps you fight off them computer sicknesses, I bet.
- Play outside sometimes. Fresh air is good for you.
- Don’t play computer games all day long.
These young folks, they think they know everythin’. But we old folks, we’ve seen a thing or two. We know that life ain’t all about them fancy gadgets. It’s important to play outside. It’s important to eat right. It’s important to get enough sleep. Computer entertainment is okay, just not too much.

It’s about bein’ with people, real people, not just them folks on the screen. It’s about talkin’ and laughin’ and sharin’ a meal. I worry about this computer entertainment. Will they remember how to play like normal children? I don’t know. They gotta learn how to balance it all, that’s what it is. Use that computer for good, but don’t let it take over your life. Go outside to play, run. These are more important.
I remember when my grandson, he was so excited to show me this new game he got. He was jumpin’ around, all happy. I watched him play for a little while. It was all these colorful explosions and loud noises. I didn’t understand it, but he was havin’ fun. But then, after a while, he started gettin’ frustrated. He was losin’ the game, and he got all angry. He even threw the controller across the room! That ain’t right. That computer entertainment made him so angry. It’s just a game, I told him. But he wouldn’t listen. It ain’t healthy to get that worked up over a game.
And then there’s the food. They eat all this junk food while they’re playin’. Chips and candy and soda. No wonder they get all hyper and then crash. They need real food, like fruits and veggies and good home cookin’. That’s what’ll keep ’em healthy and strong. I always tell them, eat more carrots, good for your eyes.
And they don’t talk to each other no more, not like we used to. They just sit there, starin’ at their screens, typin’ away. They’re in their own little worlds. It’s sad, really. We need to talk to each other, to connect. That’s what makes us human. Computer entertainment is taking this away from them. I think they are forgetting how to talk to real people.
I guess what I’m tryin’ to say is, this computer entertainment, it’s a part of life now. But it ain’t the only part. There’s a whole world out there, outside of that screen. And it’s important to remember that. Don’t forget to live, to laugh, to love. That’s what really matters. Play computer games, but also play outside, also talk to people, also eat good food. This is what I want to say.