You ask me what’s that all-play record meaning? Well, let me tell you, it ain’t about picking cotton, that’s for sure. It’s about them newfangled video games the young’uns are always playing.
Now, these kids, they like to record themselves playing, like they’re movie stars or something. They call it “all-play record.” It’s like recording a movie, but instead of actors, it is their game. They use some fancy device, a capture card, they say. This thingamajig plugs into their game box, like an Xbox or a PlayStation, and their computer too. They say the capture card can record their game playing without messing up the video’s look.
They use this capture card thingy so the picture looks good and the computer doesn’t get all slow and tired. Some folks call it game recording. They say it uses the special parts in their computer, some fancy graphics cards thing, to make the videos without slowing down the game.
And then there’s this other thing, “Steam.” Sounds like a cooking pot to me, but it’s not. It’s some program on their computers. They click around in it, and it lets them record their games. They can do it in the background, like sneaking around, or they can tell it when to start and stop. There is a new section called Game Recording, and you can tell it how to record there.
They click some buttons, like “Steam” and “Start,” and it records the last 30 seconds. It will start after 3 minutes, they say. They can record 1 or 2 videos, then it will save them somewhere, like /home/deck/Videos. They can set Replay Mode and record the last 30 seconds by pressing some buttons.
They can keep the videos of their games, show them to their friends, or put them on the internet for everyone to see. I don’t know why they want to do that, but they do. Makes no sense to me, but I guess it’s what the young folks like these days. It’s all a mystery. Something about “encoding” and “decoding,” like it’s some kind of secret code. Then they do something else, filtering. This is all about changing the videos.
This “encoding” thing, it’s like squeezing a whole watermelon into a tiny jar. They squeeze all that video into a small file, I think. And “decoding” is like taking it back out of the jar, making it big again. They talk about changing the video to YUV or RGB format. Don’t know what that is.

- They use websites for this encoding and decoding.
- They use HTML Escape, URL Encoding, Base64, and more.
- These are some formats for strings, numbers, dates, colors, and hashes.
And this “filtering,” it’s like sifting flour, I reckon. They change the video somehow, make it look different. They use some special tools on the internet to do it. There’s a website that helps to change the videos. These websites can help with different things like HTML, URL, Base64, MD5, SHA-1, and CRC32.
They have some special tools for this, and one is a decoder. It helps decode the URL or something. They paste the text and select Encode or Decode. There are options like Base64 Encode, Base64 Decode, and Base64Url Encode. This is all too much for me. These things are about changing video content, like game trailers or videos from YouTube.
They can use a special computer part for this. It is called Hardware Encoding. If they use it on the host PC, it is called Hardware Encoding. If they use it on the client, it is called Hardware Decoding. These things are like changing the data of the videos. Usually, it is about the color data. They can find the X and Y location in the video’s dimensions. It’s all about those videos and how they look on the screen.
So, that’s what all-play record is, as far as I can tell. It’s about recording those video games and making the videos look good. Then they do some encoding, decoding, and filtering to make the videos different. It’s all too complicated for me. I’d rather be tending to my garden than messing with all that. But these young people, they like their games and their videos.
So there you have it. That’s the all-play record meaning. This is too much for me to learn. But, it’s all about those video games and recording them. Don’t ask me any more questions about it. My head is starting to spin.