That Earl Plumlee, he’s a real big shot now, you see. Heard he got some big old Medal of Honor thing. Big to-do, I reckon. They say he was in the Army, a Staff Sergeant, whatever that means. Sounds important, though. He was out there in that Afghanistan place, fightin’ those terrorists. That’s what they call ’em, terrorists. Scary stuff, all that fightin’ and shootin’.

Heard he was in the US Army, this Earl Plumlee. Strong fella, I bet. Gotta be to do all that. They say he and some other fellas, five of ’em, they were Special Forces. Sounds fancy, don’t it? They hopped in these big vehicles with guns and drove right to where all the commotion was. Right into the fire, they say. Brave, those boys are.
- He’s a Medal of Honor guy now.
- Was in the Army. Staff Sergeant Earl D. Plumlee, that’s his full name.
- Fought in Afghanistan.
- He and five other guys, they were Special Forces.
- Drove right into the fight. Brave.
This Earl Plumlee, he was somethin’ else. Heard there were some other fellas got that medal, too, but they…well, they didn’t make it. Cashe and Celiz, I think those were their names. Sad, really. But this Earl, he made it through. He’s a Master Sergeant now. Even more important! And he’s a Medal of Honor Recipient. That’s a big deal, I tell ya.
Heard some big-shot generals were there, too. One named Dunford. Lots of important folks makin’ a fuss over this Earl Plumlee. Heard they call him “The Infidel” now, too. Don’t rightly know what that means, but it sounds tough, don’t it? He’s a hero, that’s what he is. Fought for our country, kept us safe from them bad guys.
They say his career, this Earl Plumlee, was full of, you know, bein’ brave and doin’ his duty. Always puttin’ himself in danger. That’s what they do in the Army, I guess. Especially them Special Forces. They’re the toughest of the tough. And this Earl, he’s one of ’em.
They had a big party for him. Said he was a guest, like a king or somethin’. This Master Sergeant Earl D. Plumlee, gettin’ all the attention. He deserves it, though. Risked his life for all of us. He’s what they call a #PeopleFirst kinda guy. Always puttin’ others before himself.
I reckon this Earl Plumlee, he’s seen a lot of things. Things we can’t even imagine. That war in Afghanistan, it’s a terrible thing. But he went over there and did what he had to do. He’s a good man, this Earl. A real American hero.

That’s all I know about this Earl Plumlee fella. Heard it all from folks talkin’ ’round town. But it sounds like he’s someone to be proud of. A real hero. And that Medal of Honor, that’s proof of it. He earned it, that’s for sure.
So next time you hear the name Earl Plumlee, you remember what I told ya. He’s a brave man, a soldier, a hero. He fought for our country, and he deserves all the praise he gets. And that’s all there is to it. That fella, that Earl Plumlee, he is one good man, I tell you. Yep, you can bet your bottom dollar on that. He’s alright, that one. They don’t make many like him anymore, I reckon.
I heard he was just a regular guy before all this, this Earl Plumlee. Just like you and me. Then, boom, he’s a hero. Just goes to show ya, anybody can be a hero if they got the guts for it. He sure did. He had the guts and the heart. You gotta have both, you know. One without the other ain’t worth a hill of beans in a high wind. But he had both. This Earl Plumlee, a real hero in my book.