Well, weekends, huh? That’s when you gotta rest a bit, you know? Workin’ all week, gotta have some fun, ain’t that right? Entertainment weekends, they call it. Lots of things to do, even if you ain’t got much money.

Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy things. We made our own entertainment. But now, there’s so much to do, even if you’re broke. You can go to the park, see? Lots of folks do that on weekends.
Some folks, they like to go see them movies. That can cost a bit, but sometimes they got them cheap shows, you know? Gotta look around for them entertainment deals. Or maybe you like that music? Some places got music, and you don’t have to pay nothin’. Just gotta find ’em.
But you say you ain’t got no money at all? Well, shoot, there’s still plenty to do! Here’s a few things I can think of, good for entertainment on the weekends:
- Go for a walk. Just walk around, see the sights. Don’t cost nothin’ to walk, right?
- Sit on your porch. Watch the cars go by. Watch the people. Makes for good entertainment, I tell ya.
- Play cards. You got cards? Everybody’s got cards. Play with your family. Good times, good times.
- Sing songs. You know them old songs? Sing ’em! Don’t matter if you can’t carry a tune, just sing loud!
- Tell stories. Remember that time when…? Tell them stories to your grandkids. They love that.
See? Lots of entertainment. And that ain’t even all of it. You can find things to do in your town, too. Some towns, they got them fairs, or them markets. You can just walk around, look at the stuff. Don’t have to buy nothin’. That’s what I do, sometimes on them weekends.
Sometimes the church, they got things goin’ on. Potlucks and such. That’s good entertainment, and you get to eat, too! Gotta love a good potluck. Everyone brings food, and you get to try all kinds of things. Reminds me of when I was a girl, we always had potlucks.
And you got that TV. I know, some folks say it rots your brain. But, there’s some good stuff on there sometimes. Them nature shows, I like them. See all them animals. And they got them game shows, too. Fun to watch, even if you don’t know the answers. It’s all entertainment, see? Keeps you busy on the weekends.

Some folks like to read. That’s good entertainment, too. Go to the library, get yourself a book. They got all kinds of books there. Romance, mystery, true stories. Costs nothing, you just gotta bring it back when you’re done. The library is a good place to spend a Saturday or Sunday, especially in the winter.
And don’t forget about them parks! I said it before, but it’s worth sayin’ again. Parks are great. You can have a picnic. Just make some sandwiches, grab a blanket, and you’re good to go. Kids love the park, too. They can run around, play on the swings, all that stuff. Tires ’em out good, so they sleep good at night. That’s a win-win, I’d say. Parks are real good for cheap entertainment on them weekends.
And you know what else? You can just stay home. Yep, stay right there in your own house. Clean up a bit, maybe. Or just sit and rest. Sometimes, that’s the best entertainment of all. Just peace and quiet. After a long week, you need that, you know? A quiet weekend is sometimes the best kind of weekend.
So, you see, there’s lots of ways to have entertainment on the weekends. Don’t need a lot of money. Just gotta use your imagination a bit. Think about what you like to do, and then find a way to do it. There’s always somethin’ to do, even if you’re just sittin’ on your porch, watchin’ the world go by. That’s entertainment, too. And don’t let anyone tell you different!
Heck, even just sitting and talking with friends is fun. Remember them old card games we used to play? We didn’t need no fancy video games to have a good time, no sir. Just some cards and some good company, best kind of entertainment there is, especially on those long weekends.
Oh, and you can try new food. Maybe you always wanted to learn how to make that fancy bread? Weekend’s a good time to try. Might not turn out right the first time, but that’s okay. It’s still fun, and you might learn somethin’. That’s good weekend entertainment, learning new things.

Nowadays got those big museums, full of old stuff. Can spend a whole day looking around in one of those. Sometimes they got free days, too. Gotta look out for those deals if you want cheap entertainment on the weekends.
So many things to do, really. Just gotta look around, see what’s going on. Ask your neighbors, they might know about something fun happening. Word of mouth, that’s how we used to find out about all the good stuff, best way to find out about the good weekend entertainment.