Well, let me tell you somethin’ about these volleyball browser games. My grandkids, they’re always on their computers, clickin’ and clackin’ away. I asked ’em what they was doin’, and they said they was playin’ volleyball. Volleyball! On the computer! I couldn’t believe my ears.

Back in my day, we played volleyball outside, in the dirt, with a net made outta old fishin’ line. We didn’t have no fancy computers or the internet thing they have these days. And we didn’t need ’em! We had fun anyway. But these kids, they like these volleyball browser games. I guess it’s somethin’ to do.
They showed me how it works, these games. You click some buttons, and a little person on the screen hits the ball. They say it’s just like the real thing, but I don’t know. Seems mighty strange to me. How can you feel the sun on your face or the dirt under your feet playin’ on a computer? But I guess that’s how it is these days. All these young folks with their newfangled ways.
This one game my grandson showed me, it’s called, uh… “The Spike,” I think? He told me you need to download some “MEmu” thing. Then install it, open it up and find some “Google Play Store”. Whatever that is. It’s all gibberish to me. I said, “Just play already!” So many steps to jump and hit a ball! It’s more complicated than feedin’ the chickens!
There are lots of these volleyball browser games, seems like. He showed me a whole bunch of ’em. One had these little fellas with big heads, jumpin’ around, hittin’ the ball with their noggins. Called it “Head Volley” or something. They are all free to play! No money needed! Just “click and play”. That’s what they say. I guess that’s good, saves a little bit of money. They say there is no download needed. You just play it right there in that browser thingy.
- You can play by yourself.
- You can play with other folks.
- Some of these games, you just hit the ball.
- Others, you gotta be the boss, tellin’ everyone what to do.
One thing my grandson told me, these volleyball games, they got rules. Just like the real game. I remember them rules. You gotta hit the ball over the net. Can’t let it hit the ground on your side. And you only get so many hits before you gotta send it back over. These volleyball browser games, they got all them rules too. He said a match goes up to five sets. You play till 25 points, but you gotta win by two! If you’re tied at 24, you gotta play to 26. And if you get to the last set, that one only goes to 15. Land sakes, it’s all numbers to me!
These young’uns today think these games are so excitin’. They yell and holler at the screen like they’re really playin’. I guess it’s a good way to let off some steam. Better than runnin’ around outside, gettin’ all sweaty, I suppose. They say these volleyball games online are a good way to pass the time. And some of these games, you can even play with your friends. They’re all over the world, playin’ together on that computer. It’s a mystery to me how that all works, but they seem to like it.

I still think they should get outside more, get some fresh air. But I guess these volleyball browser games are alright. Keeps ’em outta trouble, I suppose. And they seem to be havin’ fun. If my grandkids are happy, I am happy. I guess that’s all that matters. They like these games, so good for them! They just click and play, and it is all in their browser. Easy peasy. They even say you can be the best player in the world! Well, I doubt I will be the best. I can barely turn on the computer, let alone play these games.
I asked my grandson, “Why don’t you just play real volleyball?” He said these games are good when he can’t go outside or his friends are busy. He said it is good practice. That is what he said. “Good practice.” Well, I do not know about that. In my opinion, nothing is better than the real thing! But it is good he has fun.
These volleyball browser games are somethin’ else, that’s for sure. A whole new world, these kids are livin’ in today. I don’t understand it all, but as long as they’re happy, that’s all that matters. They told me it is a “thrilling way to pass the time.” Well, if they say so. I still prefer a good old-fashioned game of checkers myself. But to each their own, I reckon.
These kids and their volleyball games! They’re always up to somethin’ new. I just hope they don’t forget how to have fun the old-fashioned way, too. There’s nothin’ like a little sunshine and some fresh air to make you feel alive. These games keep them inside all day. But I guess that’s the way of the world now. Everything’s movin’ so fast. It’s hard to keep up sometimes.