This here thing, you call it 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, I seen it on that there Sketchfab thingamajig. Lordy, these young folks and their fancy gadgets! Back in my day, we didn’t have none of this. We had a good ol’ TV, and that was it.

Now, this Sketchfab, it’s like a shop, I reckon, but it’s all on the computer screen. They got all sorts of things on there, like pictures that move around, they call ’em 3D. This 20th Century Fox thing, it’s one of them 3D picture things. It’s like you can reach right in there and touch it, but you can’t, you know? It’s just a trick of the eye, I guess.
I seen some folks talkin’ ’bout 20th Century Fox, they say it’s from 2009. That was a while back, wasn’t it? Time sure does fly. They used to put it on those big ol’ tapes, remember those? Then they started puttin’ it on those shiny discs. Now they just got it all on the computer. Keeps changin’, don’t it?
- 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
- Sketchfab
- 3D Model
- 2009
- Home Entertainment
My grandson, he tried to show me how this Sketchfab works. He says you can look at these 3D things from all sides. You can spin ’em around, look at ’em up close, far away. It’s kinda neat, I gotta admit. But it still ain’t the same as holdin’ somethin’ real in your hands. This 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment thing, he was showin’ me that, said it used to be on the old style of movies.
They say this here Sketchfab store is closed now. Don’t know why they’d close a store, ‘less nobody’s buyin’ nothin’. Maybe these young folks are onto somethin’ new. They always are. But I heard somethin’ ’bout movin’ things to somethin’ called “Fab.” Sounds like another one of them fancy computer things. They say you can move your stuff to Fab in 2025. What a world, what a world. That’s a long way off, ain’t it?
I remember when 20th Century Fox was just on the regular TV. We used to gather ’round on Saturday nights, watch a movie. Pop some popcorn, drink some soda. Good times, good times. Now you got all these choices, more than you can shake a stick at. And this Sketchfab thing, it’s like a whole ‘nother world in there.
This 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment thing on Sketchfab, it’s like a little piece of history, I suppose. Reminds me of the old days. But I reckon things gotta change. Can’t stay the same forever. Even us old folks gotta learn new tricks, I guess. Though I still can’t figure out how they get them little pictures to move around like that. It’s like magic, I tell ya, pure magic!

Heard some folks sayin’ that somethin’ went wrong with that 3D viewer thing on Sketchfab. Technology, always breakin’ down. Ain’t that just the way? They say there’s a way to fix it, though. Probably gotta call up one of them computer whiz kids to figure it out. I sure can’t.
- 20th Century Fox
- 3D Viewer
- Fix it
- Technology
- Computer
They say this 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment thing on Sketchfab, it’s got somethin’ to do with other things too. Something called “Nickelodeon” and something else called “remixes”. Lord knows what that all means. Remixes, back in my day, you only mixed up ingredients when you were cookin’. Now they remix these picture things. This whole 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Sketchfab thing is just too much for an old timer like me to understand. Maybe you young folks get it.
I don’t know what to tell you about this 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment on Sketchfab. It’s there, you can look at it if you want. Spin it around, zoom in, zoom out. It used to be somethin’ you could buy in that Sketchfab store but now it is closed, I guess. That’s all I know. It’s all just a bunch of computer stuff to me. But maybe you’ll like it. It’s somethin’ to do, I reckon, if you got nothin’ better to do.