This here’s about them Harry Potter trivia names, you know, that boy with the scar. I seen all them movies, even though I don’t rightly understand all of it. Magic and whatnot. But names, now that’s somethin’ I know about.

Funny Harry Potter Names
My grandkids, they’re always going on about this Harry Potter stuff. They got these teams, you see, for when they play their little games. Quidditch and all that. Sounds like a made-up sport to me. But they need names, good names. And they want them funny, like a good joke, you know? Like that time old man Hemlock fell in the pig pen.
So here’s a few I heard that made me chuckle. Like “All For Won.” Now, that’s a good one. Sounds like some fella’s name, but it ain’t. And “Brain or Shine“, that’s another one. Makes you think, don’t it? Like, you gotta be smart or you gotta be, well, shiny, I reckon. Then there is this “The Brainy Bunch“. Now, that’s just plain as day, ain’t it? A bunch of smart folks.
There was also this “Expecto-A-Mess-O”. That made me laugh. Like that spell, you know. Expecto Patronum, or whatever. But they made it all messy. Just like my kitchen after I bake a pie. Flour everywhere.
- All For Won
- Brain or Shine
- The Brainy Bunch
- Expecto-A-Mess-O
Clever Harry Potter Names
Now, some of these names ain’t just funny, they’re clever, too. Like a fox, you know? Sneaky like. Like that “Dumbledore’s Army.” Reminds you of that old wizard, don’t it? The one with the long beard. He had a whole bunch of kids following him around, like little ducklings. They called themselves his army.
And what about “The Marauder’s Map Makers“? That’s a mouthful, ain’t it? But it’s clever. Those boys, Harry and his friends, they had a map, a magic one. Showed them where everyone was in that big old school. Sneaky, like I said.
“The Order of the Phoenix Down“. Now that one sounds serious, don’t it? Like some secret group. They were fighting against that bad guy, you know, the one with no nose. He Who Must Not Be Named. Sounds like a bad omen to me, not namin’ someone. Like you’re afraid of ’em.

And then you have “The DA’s Secret Weapon“. The DA, that’s what they called Dumbledore’s Army, you know. Like some abbreviation. Kids these days, they love their abbreviations. But a secret weapon, now that sounds important. Like somethin’ you keep hidden until you really need it.
- Dumbledore’s Army
- The Marauder’s Map Makers
- The Order of the Phoenix Down
- The DA’s Secret Weapon
Harry Potter Character Names
Now I ain’t gonna try to name all them characters. There’s a whole heap of ’em. More than I can shake a stick at. But there’s a few that stick in your mind, like a burr on your sock. That Harry Potter, of course, he’s the main one. The boy who lived, they called him. Survived that bad guy when he was just a baby. Tough little fella.
And his friends, Ron and Hermione. They were always gettin’ into trouble, those three. Ron, he was a bit clumsy, like a newborn calf. But loyal, you know? And Hermione, she was smart. Real smart. Like she swallowed a dictionary.
There are so many people in those movies. That big fella, Hagrid. He was a giant, almost. And that mean one, Snape. Always sneering and lookin’ down his nose at everyone. He always wear black, like my cousin when there was a funeral. And there is the bad one, Voldemort. Don’t even like sayin’ his name. Gives me the shivers.
Oh, and that Dumbledore. The headmaster, you know. Wise old owl, he was. Always knew what to do. Even when things got real bad. Reminds me of my grandpa. He always had a twinkle in his eye, just like Dumbledore.
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Hagrid
- Snape
- Voldemort
- Dumbledore
More Harry Potter Names
There are many other names that these kids use in their games. Like “The Nifflers.” Now, I don’t know what a Niffler is, but it sounds kinda cute, don’t it? Like a little critter. Or “The House Elves Liberation Front.” Now that’s a mouthful. Sounds like they’re tryin’ to free somethin’, like them little house elves. They were like servants, you know, always doin’ chores. I reckon they deserve to be free, too. Everyone deserves a little freedom, don’t they? Just like my chickens. I let them roam around the yard, you know.

And then there’s “The Inquisitorial Squad“. That sounds kinda scary, don’t it? Like someone’s gonna be askin’ you a lot of questions, and you better have the right answers. Reminds me of that time the tax man came around. Kept askin’ me about my egg money.
Oh, there are so many names that you can’t keep up. Like that time I tried to count all the fireflies in the field. Just too many of ’em. But it’s fun, I reckon, makin’ up these names. Keeps your mind workin’, like churnin’ butter. And that’s a good thing, even for an old gal like me. Those Harry Potter trivia names, they sure are somethin’, ain’t they?