You know, I seen them young’uns playin’ somethin’ called “slime volleyball game” on that computer thingy. Looked kinda silly to me, but they was sure havin’ a hoot. Bunch of little blobs jumpin’ around, tryin’ to get a ball over a net. I tell ya, back in my day, we just had a real ball and a real net, not these fancy computer slime volleyball games!

So, this slime volleyball game, it’s like regular volleyball, ‘cept it’s all gooey and bouncy. They got these little slime characters, all different colors. My grandbaby, he likes the blue one. Says it’s the fastest. I don’t know about all that, but he sure gets excited when that blue slime hits the ball. Seems like a good game for hand-eye coordination you know? It is good for these kids.
They got all sorts of these slimes, I reckon. One’s red and angry lookin’. My grandbaby says it’s easy to beat. He just kinda waits by the net and then, bam! Hits that ball right over. This slime volleyball game sounds easy, but it is also a game that test your skills. He’s a smart one, that boy. And he told me there’s also a green one, a yellow one… who knows how many! They all got their own little tricks, I suppose.
Now, I ain’t no expert on these computer games, but I can see why the kids like this slime volleyball game. It’s all bouncy and colorful, and it keeps ’em entertained. Keeps ’em outta trouble, too, I guess. They hit that ball. They jump around. Seems like they’re gettin’ some exercise, even though they’re just sittin’ there starin’ at that screen. It’s better than nothin’, I suppose.
This one time, my grandbaby, he was playin’ and he got so excited, he almost fell outta his chair! He was jumpin’ up and down, yellin’ at the screen. “I won! I won!” he hollered. I tell ya, that slime volleyball game sure gets him worked up. He loves to win, that one. Just like his grandpa. We used to play real volleyball down by the creek, you know. This slime volleyball game reminds me of that.
They say it helps with, uh… what’s that word? “Coordination.” Yeah, coordination. Makes ’em quicker on their feet, I reckon. And stronger, too. All that jumpin’ around, even if it’s just a little slime doin’ it, it’s gotta be good for somethin’. My grandbaby told me it is also good for arms and legs. Well, maybe it’s not as good as real volleyball, but it’s somethin’, right? And it don’t hurt your joints as much as them rough sports like football.
- They say this slime volleyball game is good for your body.
- It makes you strong.
- It makes you quick.
- It don’t hurt your knees like other games.
I still think real volleyball is better, though. Nothin’ beats the feel of the sun on your face and the dirt under your feet. But these kids today, they’re all about these computer games. This slime volleyball game is very popular. And I guess this slime volleyball game ain’t so bad. It is fun to watch. It’s simple enough, even for an old lady like me to understand. Just hit the ball over the net, that’s all there is to it.

My grandbaby tried to teach me how to play once. He said, “It’s easy, Grandma! Just use these buttons.” But my fingers ain’t as nimble as they used to be. I kept hittin’ the wrong buttons, and that little slime just kept fallin’ over. We had a good laugh about it, though. He is very patient with me. I think I’ll just stick to watchin’ him play.
So, if you see your young’uns playin’ this slime volleyball game, don’t worry too much. It seems like a harmless game. It might even be good for ’em. Who would have thought that a simple game like this could be so much fun? Just make sure they don’t spend all day starin’ at that screen. They need to get outside and get some fresh air once in a while, too. Just like we used to do in our day playing real volleyball under the sun.
Anyway, that’s all I know about that slime volleyball game. It’s just a silly little game, but it sure does make my grandbaby happy. And that’s all that matters, right? A happy child is a good child, that’s what I always say. This slime volleyball game is one of his favorites. Maybe your kids will also like this game. I hope they will like it. It is a good game after all.