Well, how long that volleyball thingy lasts, huh? It ain’t always the same, ya know. Sometimes it’s quick, sometimes it drags on like a cow chewin’ its cud.

Mostly, I’ve seen them games go for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. That’s like, 60 to 90 minutes, if you’re fancy with the numbers. But some of ’em, especially if them young’uns are real good, they can go on longer.
See, it’s all about how many of them “sets” they play. Usually, it’s the first team to win three sets that wins the whole shebang. And a set? Well, you gotta get to 25 points, and you gotta be two points ahead, or it ain’t countin’. Kinda like when you’re countin’ eggs, gotta make sure you don’t miss any, or your count ain’t right.
- Most times, they play best two outta three sets. That’s when it’s usually that 60 to 90 minutes.
- But sometimes, they go all fancy and play best three outta five. Then, Lord have mercy, it can stretch out to two and a half hours, maybe even more. That’s like 150 minutes! That’s a long time to be sittin’ on them hard bleachers, let me tell ya.
And it ain’t just the sets, neither. Some of them points, they go back and forth, back and forth, like a swing on a rusty porch. Them young’uns keep hittin’ that ball over the net, and nobody wants to give an inch. That makes the game last longer, for sure.
I heard tell of one game, over in some foreign country, Netherlands I think they called it, that went on for 85 hours! Can you imagine? 85 hours! That’s more than three days! I reckon them players were plumb tuckered out after that. I bet they needed a whole week just to sleep it off. Eighty-five hours, I tell ya, that’s just plain crazy.
So, if you’re askin’ me how long a volleyball game lasts, I’d say, “Well, it depends.” But mostly, figure on an hour to an hour and a half. That’s your typical volleyball game, lasting 60 to 90 minutes. But if them players are real good, or if they’re playin’ more sets, then you better pack a lunch, ’cause you might be there a while.
Each little game, they call ’em “sets”, that takes maybe 20 minutes or so. And them games keep goin’ till one team wins three of them sets. Simple as that. If one team wins three quick, then the whole thing’s over fast. But if it’s a close match, and they keep tradin’ wins, well, that’s when it takes longer. It’s like watchin’ a good rainstorm, sometimes it’s a quick shower, sometimes it just keeps on comin’ down.
You know, some folks like them fast games, get it over with quick. But me, I kinda like it when they go on a bit longer. Gives you more time to watch them young’uns jump around and smack that ball. It’s kinda entertainin’, in its own way. Beats watchin’ the grass grow, that’s for sure. And remember a typical volleyball game is usually between 60 to 90 minutes.
So there you have it. That’s the long and short of it, as they say. Volleyball games ain’t all the same length, but most of the time, you’re lookin’ at around an hour to an hour and a half. And if it goes longer, well, just sit back and enjoy the show. Or go get yourself another hotdog, that’s what I always do.
And if you are asking how long does a typical volleyball game last? The answer is simple: a typical indoor volleyball game is about 60 to 90 minutes. But like I said, sometimes it’s longer, sometimes it’s a bit shorter. Just depends on them players and how many sets they gotta play.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on them chickens. They’re probably wonderin’ where I got off to.