This here fantasy football commissioner thing, it ain’t no walk in the park, I tell ya. It’s like herding cats, but them cats got opinions on quarterbacks and such. You gotta be tough, like an old boot, but also fair, like… well, like a judge who ain’t been bought off yet.

First off, you gotta get folks together. That’s the easy part. Everybody wants to play, think they know everything about football. You put the word out, like plantin’ seeds. You say, “Hey, we startin’ a fantasy football league, who’s in?” And they come runnin’, like hogs to slop.
Then you gotta lay down the law. Rules, you see. Gotta have ’em, otherwise it’s just chaos. Like, how many folks on a team? How you gonna pick ’em? That’s the draft, they call it. You gotta decide how many points for a touchdown and what’s a point after kick. You decide all that stuff. And let me tell you what you should do.
- You gotta make it simple, you know? Don’t go gettin’ fancy with the rules. Like pickin’ flowers, you want the pretty ones, but you don’t need to know their fancy names.
- And you gotta be fair. Don’t go changing the rules midway just ’cause your team’s losing. That’s just plain cheatin’, like stealin’ eggs from your neighbor’s coop.
- Listen to folks, but you’re the boss. Remember, you are the fantasy football commissioner. They can whine all they want, but you got the final say. Like when I tell my grandkids to eat their vegetables, they can make faces, but they still gotta eat ’em.
Now, you gotta pick a day for this draft thing. It’s like a big party, ‘cept instead of cake, you got folks yellin’ out names of football players. You can do it online, they got these fancy websites for that now, or you can do it the old-fashioned way, all in one room, like a family reunion, but with more yelling and maybe less pie. Don’t let them know too much, they will try to use it for their own good.
You need to make sure everyone know what they are doing. You can’t have people drafting some nobody, then getting mad at you later. You need to make sure they know the players. Don’t need to know their life story, but know if they are good at football or not. If you don’t know, go to find out.
And the money, oh boy, the money. You gotta collect it all up front, like gatherin’ eggs in a basket. Keep it safe, don’t go spendin’ it on yourself, that ain’t right. You hold onto it until the end, then you give it to the winner. Like a prize pig at the county fair, that money goes to the best. Fantasy football league is not easy, you see?
Now, during the season, you gotta keep an eye on things. Make sure nobody’s cheatin’, like switchin’ players when they ain’t supposed to. And you gotta settle fights, ’cause there will be fights, oh yes. Folks get all riled up over this fantasy football stuff, like it’s real life or somethin’. Don’t let them fight too much, they may hurt themselves or you.

And this is important: Don’t go playin’ favorites in your fantasy football league. You treat everyone the same, even if one of them is your own kin. If one guy ain’t follow the rules, you give him a warning. If he keep doing it, you kick him out. No mercy in this game.
You gotta keep track of who’s winnin’ and who’s losin’. It’s like countin’ chickens, you gotta make sure you got ’em all straight. They got these websites and apps that do it for you now, which is nice, ’cause it’s a lot of numbers. I ain’t never been good at numbers. Numbers are like sheep, you need a good dog to keep them in line.
Now, some folks, they gonna complain. They gonna say you ain’t doin’ it right, or it ain’t fair, or the rules are dumb. You just gotta ignore ’em, mostly. Like flies at a picnic, they just buzzin’ around, tryin’ to ruin your fun. You just swat ’em away and keep on goin’. But sometime you need to listen. Maybe they got a good point. If you listen to them, they will be less annoying.
Being a fantasy football commissioner ain’t easy, like I said. It’s a lot of work, and sometimes it ain’t no fun at all. But when it’s all over, and you hand that prize money to the winner, and everyone’s laughin’ and havin’ a good time, well, it’s worth it. Like a good harvest, you put in the work, and you reap the rewards. And it’s fun to be the boss sometimes, I gotta admit. Just don’t let it go to your head, you hear? Stay humble, like a good mule. And don’t forget to have a little fun yourself. After all, it’s just a game, right? Even if it is serious business.