Hey there, you young’uns! Let me tell you somethin’ about this dark entertainment thing I been hearin’ about. It’s a whole lot of hooey, if you ask me. But folks are talkin’, so I reckon I’ll tell ya what I know. This whole world’s gettin’ darker, ain’t it?

This “dark web” thing, it ain’t like the regular internet we got. It’s like the back alley of the internet. You gotta know the secret knock to get in, I hear. And what’s in there? Well, nothin’ good, that’s for sure. It is all dark and no good, no good. This dark entertainment, it ain’t for decent folks. It is for some people who like dark and ugly.
They say folks go there for all sorts of dark entertainment. Like, things you wouldn’t even wanna whisper about. Nasty stuff. They say you can find anything there. I heard a lot of things are dark, dark, dark. You know, like them scary movies, but worse. Way worse. I don’t know why anyone would want that kind of entertainment. It just ain’t right.
Now, back in my day, entertainment was simple. We had the radio, and sometimes a picture show would come to town. Good, clean fun. We’d sing songs, tell stories, play games. Nobody needed all this dark entertainment. We knew how to have a good time without all that darkness.
Why do people use it? I reckon some folks just got a darkness in ’em. They like that kinda stuff. Makes ’em feel somethin’, I guess. But it ain’t a good feelin’, I can tell you that. It’s like eatin’ rotten food. Might fill your belly, but it’ll make you sick in the long run.
And this dark web, it’s full of bad people. I say that it is bad and dark, like snakes, hiding from the law. They do their dirty business in the shadows. They ain’t got no respect for nothin’. They’ll steal your money, your secrets, your life if you ain’t careful. And the law can’t do a darn thing ’cause they’re all hidden.
- That dark entertainment just brings bad things.
- Folks gettin’ hurt, lives ruined.
- It’s like a poison, seepin’ into everything.
- No good, just like that bad apple.
Some folks say there’s good on this dark web, too. Like, people helpin’ each other, sharin’ information the government don’t want ’em to have. But I don’t know. Seems like a whole lot of trouble for somethin’ you could probably find somewhere else. If it’s so good, why they hidin’ it in the dark? If it is good, why it is on the dark web?

Now, some of these new movies and shows, they’re gettin’ darker too. All shadows and gloom. I don’t know why they gotta be so dark. They say it’s “art.” Well, I don’t call it art. It just makes you feel down in the dumps. Like, they are trying to make everything dark entertainment. Makes my bones ache just watchin’ ’em. I like a good laugh, a happy endin’. What happened to those?
These new shows, they are all dark. They want to make everything dark and scary. Like that dark web, these shows, they show you all the ugly, like the ugly in the dark web. What is the good for?
They say it’s because these filmmakers, they wanna make things look “real.” But life ain’t always dark and gloomy. There’s sunshine, too, you know? There’s good people, happy times. Why not show some of that? This dark entertainment, it is not all of our life. We still have some good and sunshine.
I reckon it’s all about money, too. These folks makin’ these dark shows, they think it’ll sell. They think people want that kinda stuff. Maybe they’re right. Maybe the world is gettin’ darker. But I don’t have to like it.
- Dark entertainment, it’s like a disease.
- Spreading through everything.
- Makin’ people sad and scared.
- No good will come of it. I say it is bad.
I’ll stick to my old radio programs, thank you very much. Give me a good story with a happy endin’ any day. That’s the kind of entertainment we need more of. Not this dark entertainment, no sir. Not in my house.
So, you young’uns, be careful out there. Don’t go lookin’ for trouble in dark corners. There’s plenty of good in the world, you just gotta look for it. Don’t let all this darkness get you down. And stay away from that dark web. Nothin’ good can come from it, I can promise you that. Just remember what I said. There are good things and bad things for the entertainment. Those dark entertainment, they are bad, real bad.

This world has good things and also has bad things. Those dark entertainment is just bad. Stay away from it, and you can be good.