Alright, so you wanna know about this Greentube thing, huh? Sounds fancy, like somethin’ them city folks would talk about. But I’ll tell ya what I know, best I can, in plain ol’ English, like I’m talkin’ to ya over the fence.

Now, from what I gather, Greentube Internet Entertainment Solutions GmbH, that’s a mouthful ain’t it? Well, it’s a company, a big one I reckon, and they make them games you play on your computin’ machine or your phone, ya know, the ones with all the flashy lights and ding-ding-dings. They call ‘em casino games or somethin’. Sounds like gamblin’ to me, but they say it’s entertainment.
- They’re part of somethin’ bigger called NOVOMATIC. Think of it like a big ol’ tree, and Greentube’s just one of the branches.
- And they ain’t just playin’ around in one place neither. They got these games all over the world, everywhere you can think of, I bet.
So, are they any good, you ask? Well, some folks who work there, they say it ain’t too bad. They give it a middlin’ score, like a three and a half outta five. Some like it, some don’t. Kinda like my apple pie, some folks love it, some say it needs more sugar. But most of ‘em, they say they’d tell their friends to go work there. That’s gotta mean somethin’, right?
But here’s the thing, see, things ain’t always what they seem. That score, it went down a bit lately. Folks ain’t as happy as they used to be, it seems. Maybe they’re workin’ too hard, maybe the bosses ain’t treatin’ ‘em right. I dunno. It’s like when the well runs dry, you gotta figure out why, or you ain’t gonna have no water.
Now they say they’re all about makin’ sure them games are safe and secure. That’s important, I guess. You don’t want nobody sneakin’ into your hen house, do ya? Same goes for your money, I reckon, especially when you’re playin’ them games. They also say they’re good quality. Like a good quilt, warm and strong, that’s what quality is to me.
They’re tryin’ to be a good place to work, they say. They’re listenin’ to their workers, or at least they say they are. But listenin’ ain’t the same as doin’. You gotta act on what you hear, or it’s just hot air, like a politician’s promise. They gotta keep things fair and treat everyone right. That’s just common sense, ain’t it?
So, if you’re thinkin’ about workin’ there, or playin’ their games, you gotta do your homework. Don’t just take my word for it, or anybody else’s. Read what folks are sayin’, see what they’re complainin’ about. And remember, a shiny apple might have a worm inside.

It’s like when you’re buyin’ a cow, you gotta look at its teeth, check its hooves, make sure it ain’t gonna kick ya. Same goes for a company. You gotta kick the tires, so to speak. See if it’s sturdy, see if it’s gonna last. And if it ain’t, well, there’s plenty of other cows in the pasture, ain’t there?
This Greentube outfit, they seem big and important. They’re part of that NOVOMATIC group, and they’re makin’ them internet games for folks all over the world. But big ain’t always better. And just ‘cause they say they’re good, don’t mean they are. You gotta use your own head, make your own judgment. That’s what my old pappy always told me.
And if you’re thinkin’ about workin’ there, well, it sounds like it’s a decent enough place, but it ain’t perfect. They gotta keep workin’ at it, keep makin’ things better for their workers. And remember, a happy worker is a good worker. Just like a well-fed hen lays more eggs.
So that’s the long and short of it, as best as I can tell ya. Greentube, internet games, big company, workin’ on it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my chickens.