Well, let me tell you, I heard some folks talking ’bout this volleyball thing. They kept saying “volleyball match” this and “volleyball game” that. I got all confused, you know? Is it a volleyball game, or is it a volleyball match? Makes my head spin!

What’s the Big Deal with Volleyball?
This volleyball, it’s a sport, right? Two teams, a net, and they whack a ball back and forth. I seen it on the television a few times. Lots of jumping and diving. Looks tiring, if you ask me. But these young folks, they love it. They get all excited about their volleyball matches and volleyball games.
So, I asked my neighbor, Mary, she’s got a granddaughter who plays. “Mary,” I said, “what’s the difference between a volleyball game and a volleyball match?”
- She said a volleyball match is the whole shebang.
- It’s like the whole enchilada.
- The match is what you call it when they play to see who wins.
Then she said somethin’ about “sets.” Now, I know about sets, like a set of dishes, but this was different. She said in a volleyball match, they play these things called “sets.” It is like little games in a big match.
Volleyball Sets and Points
Mary, bless her heart, she tried to explain it to me. She said each set is like a race to get to 25 points. Like counting sheep, but way more exciting, I reckon. And you gotta win by two points, not just one. So, if it’s 24-24, you gotta keep going until one team gets two points ahead. Sounds complicated, doesn’t it?
And get this, sometimes they only play to 15 points in the last set! Why they do that, I don’t know. Maybe they get tired. Or maybe they just like to keep us guessing.
So, a volleyball match is made up of these sets, and you gotta win most of the sets to win the whole match. I think they play best of five, like who win three sets, win the match. It’s like a little war, but with a ball and a net.

Still Confused About Volleyball Match
Now, I still get a little mixed up sometimes. But I think I got the gist of it. A volleyball match is the whole thing, and a set, which some people used to say game, is like a smaller part of the match. It’s like, the match is the whole pie, and each set is a slice. Does that make sense?
I tell ya, these young people and their sports. Back in my day, we just played outside until the sun went down. Didn’t need no fancy volleyball match or volleyball game to have fun.
But hey, if it makes them happy, that’s all that matters, right? Even if it does confuse an old lady like me. Just remember, it is a volleyball match, the big one, the one to win.
And another thing about this volleyball. They told me if the ball hits the line, it’s still good! Can you believe it? In my day, if it was on the line, it was out! These new rules, I swear.
Then Mary also told me something about the ball going over or between some “side boundary lines” when it goes over the net. I don’t rightly know what those are, but it sounds important. Maybe it’s like staying in your lane when you’re driving. You gotta keep the ball in its lane, I suppose.
More About Volleyball Match
This volleyball, it’s got more rules than a beehive has bees. They say a team has to win three sets out of five to win the whole match. It is like a tug-of-war, but with points instead of a rope.

And each one of those sets, they gotta get to 25 points first, unless it’s that last one, then it’s only 15. It’s like they’re making up the rules as they go along! But I guess that’s what keeps it interesting, right? Keeps everyone on their toes, even us old folks watching from the sidelines, trying to figure out what a volleyball match is and what a volleyball game is.
Anyway, I hope I cleared that up for you a little bit. It’s a volleyball match, that’s the main thing to remember. And those sets are just part of the big match. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I need a nap. All this talk about volleyball has worn me out!