Howdy, y’all! Let’s jaw about them fancy things they put in cars now, the “rear seat entertainment,” or whatever them city folks call it. I ain’t no expert, mind you, just a plain ol’ woman who’s seen a thing or two.

What is this Rear Seat Stuff Anyway?
Well, from what I gather, it’s like them little TVs they stick on the back of the seats in front of ya. For the young’uns in the back, I reckon. Keeps ’em quiet on them long drives, so they ain’t hollerin’ “Are we there yet?” every five minutes. Back in my day, we just looked out the window and counted cows! But times, they change, don’t they?
Types of Them Rear Seat Thingamajigs
- Headrest TVs: These are the little screens stuck right in the headrests. Like I said, mini TVs. Good for watching movies, I guess.
- Overhead Screens: Now, these are bigger, hung up on the roof of the car. Like a bigger TV for everyone in the back to see. Fancy, huh?
- Fancy New Cars with Screens Already In ‘Em: Some new cars, they come with these screens already built-in. Big ol’ screens, too. Must cost a pretty penny, I tell ya.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Rear Seat Entertainment
Now, nothin’s perfect in this world, and that goes for these car TVs too.
The Good:

Well, like I said, it keeps them kids quiet. That’s a big plus right there. No more squabblin’ and fightin’ in the back seat. And if you’re goin’ on a long trip, it can sure make the time go by faster. Pop in a movie, and before you know it, you’re there.
The Bad:
These things ain’t cheap, that’s for sure. And they can be a pain to install if your car don’t already have ’em. Plus, all that screen time ain’t good for the young’uns eyes, I reckon. They ought to be lookin’ out the window, seein’ the world, not starin’ at a screen.
The Ugly:
Wires! Lord, have mercy, the wires! Some of these things got wires everywhere, hangin’ and danglin’. Looks like a rat’s nest back there. And if them wires get loose, well, then you’re just outta luck. No more movies for you.
How to Get Yourself Some Rear Seat Entertainment

Now, if you’re set on gettin’ these fancy TVs for your car, you got a few options. You can buy ’em separate and have someone install ’em for ya. Or you can buy a new car that’s already got ’em. Either way, it’s gonna cost ya. But hey, if it keeps the peace in the car, maybe it’s worth it.
My Two Cents on the Matter
Me? I ain’t so sure about all this fancy stuff. Seems to me like folks are too busy starin’ at screens these days. They ain’t talkin’ to each other, they ain’t lookin’ at the world around ’em. But then again, I’m just an old woman. What do I know?
But If You Really Want ‘Em, Here’s What I’d Do
If I was gonna get these rear seat thingamajigs, I’d go for the ones that are built-in, nice and neat. And I’d make sure them wires are hidden good and proper, so they ain’t gettin’ in the way. And I’d limit the screen time, you hear? Kids need to see the world, not just a bunch of cartoons.
Driving Through the Desert, No Entertainment Needed

I remember once, drivin’ through the desert, just me and the open road. No fancy screens, no nothin’. Just the hum of the engine and the sun beatin’ down. It was peaceful, you know? Sometimes, that’s all you need. But maybe that’s just me. Some folks need them screens to keep them occupied.
Keeping It Simple, Like Baskets in the Back
Heck, someone even told me they just use baskets in the back to keep things from rollin’ around. Simple and smart! No need for fancy TVs, I guess. Just good ol’ fashioned baskets! Now that’s somethin’ I can understand!
But It’s Your Car, Your Choice
So, there you have it. My thoughts on rear seat entertainment. Take it or leave it. It’s your car, your money, your kids. You do what you think is best. Me? I’ll stick to lookin’ out the window, thank you very much.
Final Words

Whether you want fancy screens or just a quiet ride, it’s all up to you. Just be safe out there on the road, and don’t forget to enjoy the journey. And maybe, just maybe, put down them screens every now and then and look around. You might be surprised at what you see. Alright, I’ve talked enough. Y’all take care now.