This Max Strus, you see, he’s a young fella, 28 years old, they say. Born in some place called Hickory Hills, in Illinois. Now, I ain’t never been to Illinois, but I hear it’s a long way from here. March 28th, that’s when he came into this world. What year? They didn’t tell me the year, but 28 years old is what I heard. He’s a basketball player, that’s what they talkin’ about all the time. Max Strus wingspan, that’s what folks keep sayin’.

They say he’s good at throwin’ that ball from way back. A “premium deep threat,” that’s what some fancy talkin’ fella said. Means he can shoot from far, I reckon. Like throwin’ rocks in the creek, but way further and into a hoop. He got a good Max Strus wingspan, probably helps him with that. This basketball, it’s a big deal now, you know? Back in my day, we just threw the ball around for fun. Didn’t make no money doin’ it, not like these young’uns today.
This fella, Chris Fedor, some kind of insider for that Cavaliers team, they ask him if this Max Strus gonna be startin’ again. Startin’, like the first ones out there on the court. You know, like when the rooster crows first thing in the mornin’. They say when he’s all healed up, “full strength” they call it. Must be hurt or somethin’, poor boy. Hope he gets better soon. That Max Strus wingspan gotta be put to good use.
They say he’s good at shootin’, this Max. “Elite shooting,” they call it. Sounds like he don’t miss much. Must be like my old man, used to be able to hit a squirrel in a tree from a mile away. And he’s got that “defensive potential.” Sounds important. Like guardin’ the henhouse from the foxes. And somethin’ about his “all-around game” gettin’ better. Guess that means he’s learnin’ new tricks. Good for him. A long Max Strus wingspan can only get you so far.
These Cavaliers, that’s the team he plays for. Big city team. I seen ’em on the TV once. Lots of lights and hollerin’. Not like around here. We got our own kind of hollerin’, down at the square dance on Saturday nights. But that Max Strus wingspan, they talk about it a lot on that TV.
- He’s 28 years old, that Max Strus.
- Born in Hickory Hills, Illinois.
- Plays for the Cavaliers.
- Good at shootin’ from far away.
- Got that “defensive potential.”
That’s all I hear about this Max Strus wingspan. They say he is a good player. I don’t know much about that basketball. But I know hard work when I see it. And it sounds like this boy works hard. He’s got that long wingspan, that’s for sure. Must be like a hawk, swoopin’ down on that ball.
They say he got hurt. Hope he’s doin’ alright. Young folks, they bounce back quick. When I was his age, I could work all day in the fields and still have energy to chase the chickens at night. That’s what we did for fun. Didn’t have no fancy basketball games. But they got that Max Strus wingspan now, and that seems to be a big deal.

This Chris Fedor, he seems to know a lot about that team. He’s an insider, they say. Like he’s got his ear to the ground, hearin’ all the gossip. Like old Mrs. Henderson down the road, she always knows what’s goin’ on with everybody. He says Max will be startin’ again when he’s better. Good for him. That Max Strus wingspan needs to be out there on that court.
So, this Max Strus, he’s a basketball player. A good one, they say. He’s got that long reach, that Max Strus wingspan. He can shoot from far away. He can play defense. He’s gettin’ better all the time. He plays for the Cavaliers. He’s 28 years old. Born in Illinois. That’s all I know. And that’s all I need to know, I reckon. He seems like a good boy. Hope he does well.
Well, that’s all I got to say about that Max Strus wingspan and that basketball. Time for me to go feed the hogs. They don’t care much about basketball, but they sure do like their slop. Just like that Max Strus probably likes his basketball, I suppose everyone likes something. You know, that’s what my old mama used to say. She said everyone got their own row to hoe. And it sounds like that Max Strus fella, he’s hoein’ his row pretty good.