Well, let me tell you about this snes volleyball game thing. You see, these young folks, they got these newfangled contraptions, these video games. And one of them, it’s about volleyball. Now, back in my day, we played volleyball with a real ball and a real net, outside, where the sun shines. But these kids, they do it on a screen. This one, it’s called a “SNES” game, whatever that means. Super Nintendo, they call it. Nintendo, that’s a name I hear a lot.

So, this snes volleyball game, it ain’t like real volleyball, not one bit. You press these buttons, see, and these little men on the screen, they jump and they hit the ball. There is a button, like “B” button, make the little man jump. Then use “A” button, the little man will hit the ball. They got these fancy moves too, like a “SUPER SPIKE.” You gotta press that “B” button three times. It is all too much. Too much button. Just to hit a ball. Why not just play it in real life?
They say this game, it’s got problems. Lots of ’em. They say it’s got “bugs.” Not the kind you find in the garden, mind you. These are like little mistakes in the game, make it go all wonky. And the pictures, they say they ain’t so good. “Glitches,” they call ’em. Makes it look all funny.
And get this, there is a game called “Chrono Trigger” for the SNES in 1995. This one is about time travel. What will they think of next?
And the little men in the game, they ain’t too smart neither. “Poor AI,” they say. Means they don’t play very good, like they don’t know what they’re doing. It is not like real people. Just silly game. And not many choices in the game, neither. They say the “Career Mode” is bad. I don’t know what that is. Sounds like a lot of nonsense to me.
But I heard them talking, these young’uns, about playin’ with their friends. This snes volleyball game, it’s called “Dig Spike.” Now that sounds a bit more interestin’. They say it’s more fun when you play with friends. Makes it more… what’s the word… “competitive.” Like a real game, almost.
- They say there are other snes volleyball game too.
- One is called “Multi Play Volleyball.” Play it on a “browser.” Like lookin’ through a window, but on the computer.
- Another one is called “Hyper V-Ball.” Developed by Video System. Sounds fast. They say you can play it for free.
- I guess free is good.
- “SNES” is easier to “mod”. Whatever “mod” means. They say it is better than “SFC”.
This whole snes volleyball game thing, it’s a mystery to me. Why watch little men on a screen when you can play the real thing? But these kids today, they like their gadgets. It is not like the old day, when we play real game with real people.

They say these old games, like on the NES and the SNES, are like a museum now. Old things. Like me, I guess! But they still play ’em. Maybe there’s somethin’ to it, after all. Maybe it ain’t all bad, this snes volleyball game. Maybe it’s just different. But it’s still beyond me. All these buttons and screens. Give me a real ball and a net any day.
This snes volleyball game, it is surely something. Not my cup of tea, but the young folks seem to like it. I guess that’s all that matters. As long as they’re havin’ fun. Even if it is just lookin’ at a screen. And pressin’ buttons. Lots and lots of buttons.
But I still say, go outside and play! Get some fresh air! It is much better than these games. That’s what I always say. But what do I know? I’m just an old lady. These new games with “spike” and “dig”, it is all too much for me. I don’t know much about all that. Just remember to have fun, that’s the important thing.