This here’s talkin’ ’bout sports and nutrition, you hear? Ain’t no fancy words here, just plain ol’ talk ’bout eatin’ right to play good. You see, you gotta eat good food to get strong, like them young’uns playin’ ball out there. They run and jump, they need good stuff in their bellies.

Eatin’ Right for Playin’
Now, you wanna play good, you gotta eat good. That’s what my momma always said. She fed us good, and we grew up strong. Same thing for them athletes, they gotta eat right. No junk in that food.
- Fruits, them’s good for ya. Like apples and them orange things.
- Veggies, gotta have them greens. Like that spinach, makes ya strong like Popeye.
- Meat, gives you power. Chicken, beef, whatever you can get.
- Milk, good for the bones. Makes ’em strong so they don’t break.
That’s the good stuff, you put that in your body, you gonna play better. Sports nutrition, that is the key! No shortcuts!
Don’t Be Eatin’ Junk
Stay away from that junk food. Them sugary drinks and candy, that ain’t no good for nobody. Makes you tired and slow. You see them athletes, they don’t eat that junk. They eat good food, that’s why they so fast and strong. That’s what sports nutrition is all about.
You want to have good sports performance, you gotta eat real food. The stuff that comes from the ground, or from the animals. Not that processed stuff in them shiny packages. That stuff ain’t got no life in it. It is all empty, just like this bag of chips. They don’t got no real food in them.
Listen to Your Body
Your body, it’ll tell ya what it needs. You feel tired, maybe you need some food. You feel thirsty, drink some water. It ain’t rocket science, just listen to what your body’s tellin’ ya. You need to fuel it right, that is the point.
If you gonna play sports, you gotta eat more. You burnin’ up all that energy, you gotta put it back in. Like fillin’ up the car with gas. No gas, car don’t go. Same with your body. No food, you ain’t gonna go nowhere. You gonna be slow and tired. You need that sports nutrition to go on, to keep moving.

Water, Water, Water
Don’t forget the water. You gotta drink lots of water, especially when you playin’ sports. You sweat, you lose water. You gotta put it back in. Dehydration is bad for sports performance. Water keeps you goin’, keeps you from gettin’ too tired. Like a cool drink on a hot day, that’s what water is for your body when you playin’ sports.
Carbs Are Your Friends
Them carbs, they good for you. They give you energy. Like bread and potatoes. Don’t be scared of them carbs. Athletes, they eat lots of carbs. It is fuel, like we said before. It is good for sports performance.
- Bread, the good kind, not that white fluffy stuff.
- Potatoes, baked or mashed, not them fried things.
- Rice, brown rice is better.
- Pasta, whole wheat is best.
Them carbs, they keep you goin’. They fuel your muscles. They are the key if you want to have any good sports performance. They are needed for sports nutrition. Good stuff, that’s what them carbs are.
Protein Builds You Up
Protein, that’s what builds you up. Makes your muscles strong. Like meat and eggs. Them athletes, they eat lots of protein. It is important for sports nutrition. Helps ’em recover after they play. Helps ’em build them big muscles.
You don’t gotta be an athlete to eat protein. Everybody needs protein. Helps you grow strong, helps you stay healthy. Just like them carbs, protein is good for ya. They both are good, don’t be scared of neither.
Eat After You Play
After you play, you gotta eat. Your body needs to recover. You used up all that energy, you gotta put it back in. Eat some good food, with carbs and protein. Helps your body get back to normal. This will help with sports performance in the long term.

Don’t wait too long to eat after you play. The sooner the better. Your body needs that food right away. Like feedin’ a hungry dog, you gotta feed your body after it works hard. That is just common sense.
It Ain’t That Hard
See, it ain’t that hard to eat right for sports. Just eat good food, drink lots of water, and listen to your body. That’s all there is to it. No need for fancy diets or special foods. Just good ol’ fashioned eatin’. That’s how you get good sports performance, that’s how you have good sports nutrition, that’s how you become strong and healthy. Just like my momma taught us. That’s the way to do it, plain and simple.