Yo, listen up, you young’uns! Gonna tell ya somethin’ about this Suns vs Jazz thing. It’s a real head-scratcher, this one. These teams, they go at it like two roosters in a henhouse. Always a big to-do. And you know, these games, they ain’t easy to figure out who gonna win. One day the Suns hot as a July day, the next day they colder than a well digger’s you-know-what. And that Jazz, they can be sneaky. They can play like a bunch of guys that are good, or they can play like, well they ain’t got it all together.

This time, I hear them Suns, they ain’t been doin’ so good lately. Three games, they lost. That’s what they say. Three in a row. Like three bad eggs in a basket. They playin’ the Jazz in Utah, where it’s cold. This Friday. December 13. Yeah. Them Jazz, they got only 5 wins and 18 loses. Suns, they got 12 wins and 11 loses. So, the Suns, they better, right?
- Phoenix Suns, they lose 3 times in a row.
- Utah Jazz, they only got 5 wins this time.
- Suns got 12 wins, better than Jazz.
But, you know, them games, they ain’t always played on paper. Sometimes, the team that ain’t supposed to win, they do. It’s like plantin’ seeds. Sometimes you plant good seeds and nothin’ comes up. Sometimes you plant bad seeds, and somethin’ might grow. It’s a mystery, I tell ya.
Now, I heard some folks sayin’ the Suns are gonna win by a little bit. They say they gonna win by 5.5, whatever that means. Like they know somethin’ the rest of us don’t. And they talk about this “over/under” thing, 232 points. I don’t know what that is, but they think the points gonna be under that. Sounds like a whole lot of mumbo jumbo to me.
And this other thing, “money line.” One of them fancy bettin’ things. They sayin’ to bet on the Jazz for the money line. But the Suns are -247, whatever that means. It’s all numbers. Numbers, numbers, numbers. Like counting beans. Too many numbers for this old brain.
They sayin’ this fella, Kevin Durant, he gonna play for the Suns. He’s a good one, that Durant. Tall as a cornstalk, that one. He can sure shoot that ball. He can probably toss a watermelon into a washtub from across the field. So maybe that changes things, maybe not. Hard to say, hard to say. Utah Jazz, Phoenix Suns, both got some good players, I reckon.
This other time, they played on November 12. Tuesday, it was. And them Jazz, they only won one time, and the Suns, they won seven times. Seems like the Suns were doin’ better then. They were on fire in November. But that don’t mean nothing now. Every day is a new day. Every game is a new game.

So, who’s gonna win? Well, I ain’t no fortune teller. I can’t see the future. But I tell ya what, it’s gonna be a game. It’s gonna be somethin’ to watch. And these Suns vs Jazz prediction things, they just guesses. Educated guesses, maybe, but still guesses. Like guessin’ how many kernels on a cob of corn. You can guess, but you won’t know for sure till you count ’em.
So you watch that game, and you see what happens. You see if them Suns can get back on track, or if them Jazz can pull off a surprise. It’s like watchin’ the weather. You never really know what’s gonna happen until it happens. But you can be sure it’s gonna be somethin’. And remember these NBA picks and predictions are not always right. It’s like planting, you never really know how good the harvest will be. You just gotta wait and see.
This game is in Utah, they say. The Delta Center in Utah. I hear it’s a big place. Lots of folks gonna be there, I reckon. Hollerin’ and screamin’ and carryin’ on. Just like a bunch of chickens when you throw out the feed. Yep, it’s gonna be a sight to see. This Friday, remember. December 13. They got different dates for different games.
I remember one time, back when I was a little girl… Well, that’s a story for another day. But it just goes to show, you never know what’s gonna happen. This Suns vs Jazz game, it could go either way. Just gotta watch and see. And these predictions? They just somethin’ to talk about. Like talkin’ about the weather. You can talk about it all day, but it ain’t gonna change what happens.