Well, look at this, all these fancy names for that football fella, CeeDee Lamb. You know, the one who runs like a scared rabbit with the football? Yeah, that’s him. Lots of folks like to pick him for their fantasy football teams. I don’t know much about this “fantasy” stuff, sounds like make-believe to me, but they sure do love that Lamb boy.

They call him CeeDee, you see. Sounds kinda funny, right? Like he got two letters stuck together. Like a brand on the back of a bull. I heard somebody say once that his real name ain’t even CeeDee. He got that name when he was just a little tyke playing football. His coach, some fella named Darrick, used to call him ‘DVD’ because he was always making fancy plays. Then it got shorter, like when you shorten the hem on a skirt. Now everyone just hollers “CeeDee!”
I heard this CeeDee Lamb, he’s pretty good, though. He got lots of… what do they call it… “targets”. Like he’s a big ol’ target in a shooting game. They throw the ball to him a lot. He catches it most times, too. Must be a fast runner. He’s like a chicken with its head cut off, all over the field.
These folks, they come up with all sorts of names for their teams, all based on this CeeDee boy. Some of ’em are right clever, I reckon. Like, “As Far As I Can CeeDee.” Get it? Like you can see far? These young folks and their word games. Keeps ’em busy, I guess.
- CeeDee’s Catchers
- Lamb Chops
- Running with Lamb
- The CeeDee Show
They say this CeeDee Lamb is a “prize” in this fantasy football thing. Like winning a blue ribbon at the county fair for your prize-winning hog. They like him ’cause he’s fast. And he catches good. I reckon that’s important in football. They want somebody who can run like the wind and grab that ball like a hawk snatching a field mouse. And he’s reliable, too. That means he shows up, I guess. Doesn’t miss a lot. Like a good milk cow, always there when you need her.
This Lamb boy, he plays for the Dallas Cowboys. Big team. Lots of folks watch ’em. He’s a “wide receiver”. Don’t ask me what that means. Just means he’s out there, ready to catch that pigskin. They say he’s been a little bit of a letdown this year, though. A “disappointment.” Like when you plant your corn and it don’t come up right. They thought he’d be better. Still, he’s getting lots of those “targets.”
These fantasy team names, there are hundreds of ’em! More than you can shake a stick at. All sorts of silly things. They got jokes, and they got… what do they call it… “pop culture references.” Like things from the TV shows and whatnot. I don’t watch much TV myself. Too busy with the chickens and the garden. But these young folks, they soak it all up like a sponge.

I guess this CeeDee Lamb is a big deal. Even if he ain’t doing as good as they hoped. He’s still young. Got plenty of time to get better. Like a young colt, still learning to run. He’ll figure it out. And these folks will keep coming up with these silly names for their fantasy teams. It’s all a bit much for me, but to each their own.
These fantasy football folks they get real serious about this. It’s more than just a game to them. They spend hours looking at numbers, like they’re trying to predict the weather. They talk about “stats” and “projections” like it’s the gospel truth. I prefer looking at my almanac and planting by the moon. It’s a lot simpler.
I guess if you are into that kind of thing, a good CeeDee Lamb fantasy team name is important. It’s like picking a good name for your dog. You want it to be just right. You want it to be something that makes you smile. Something you can holler out when your team is doing good. I still don’t understand why they do it. But I understand liking something and wanting to have fun with it. Like quilting. I like quilting. And I like picking out the right fabric and the right pattern. It makes me happy. So if picking out a fantasy team name makes these folks happy, then good for them.
Anyway, I reckon that’s all I got to say about this CeeDee Lamb and his fancy names. He seems like a good boy, even if I don’t understand all this hoopla. Just hope he keeps running fast and catching that ball. That’s all that really matters in the end, ain’t it? Winning the game.