Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this volleyball championship game. It’s a big deal, you know? Like, the biggest deal in the whole dang volleyball world! All them girls, they work so hard, jumpin’ and divin’ and hittin’ that ball.

This year, it’s gonna be somethin’ else. They’re playin’ down in Louisville, at that big ol’ place, the KFC Yum! Center. Sounds kinda funny, don’t it? Chicken and volleyball, all mixed up together. But that’s where they’re havin’ it, so that’s where all the folks are gonna be, watchin’ them girls play.
Now, the big volleyball championship game, the one everyone’s waitin’ for, that’s gonna be on a Sunday. Mark your calendars, it’s December 22nd, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. That’s when you gotta be in front of your TV, or down there in Louisville, if you can swing it.
I heard on the radio that the semifinals, that’s when they figure out who’s playin’ in the big game, those are on December 19th. So that’s another day to watch some good volleyball, if you’re into that sort of thing. And this year, they say the first games start way back on November 27th, two games, one at 3 and one at 6. Then they take a break for that eatin’ holiday, Thanksgiving.
- December 22nd, 3 PM
- KFC Yum! Center, Louisville
- That’s the volleyball championship game
Last year, you know who won? It was Texas. Beat that Nebraska team good. They won the year before, too! They’re good, them Texas girls. But you never know what’s gonna happen in these games. That’s what makes ’em so excitin’.
I heard about one game, Penn State and Nebraska, playin’ in the semifinals. They said Penn State, they were losin’, but then they came back and won! They called it a “reverse sweep.” I don’t know what that is exactly, but it sounds mighty excitin’.
And then there was Pitt and Louisville, playin’ in the semifinals, too. Louisville won that one. They played real hard, I guess. They played in that KFC Yum! Center, too, on a Thursday night. They say the score was 3-1. Whatever that means, I just know Louisville won.

These volleyball championship game are a big to-do. Lots of folks go to watch. They got all kinds of schedules and things. I saw one, it was all fancy, listin’ everything out.
Anyway, if you like volleyball, you better keep your eyes peeled for this volleyball championship game. It’s gonna be a barn burner, I reckon. All them girls, playin’ their hearts out.
This whole volleyball championship game thing, it’s a lot to keep track of. You got all these teams, and these dates, and this KFC Yum! Center. It’s enough to make your head spin! But it sure is somethin’ to watch.
These girls, they train all year for this. Hittin’ that ball, jumpin’ around, it ain’t easy, you know. So when you see ’em playin’ in the volleyball championship game, you gotta give ’em credit. They earned it.
You know, back in my day, we didn’t have all this fancy volleyball stuff. We just played in the backyard, if we played at all. But these girls, they’re professionals. It’s a whole different ball game, no pun intended. This volleyball championship game is serious business.
- Texas won last year.
- They won the year before, too!
- Can they win this volleyball championship game again?
I remember one time, I saw a volleyball game on TV. It was nothin’ like this volleyball championship game, though. These girls now, they’re like somethin’ out of a movie. They’re so fast, and they jump so high. It’s really somethin’ to see.

So, if you’re gonna watch this volleyball championship game, you better get ready. Get your snacks, get your drinks, and get comfortable. ‘Cause it’s gonna be a long one, and you don’t wanna miss a minute of it. Especially that final game on December 22nd. The big volleyball championship game.
Well, I reckon that’s all I know about this volleyball championship game. Just remember what I told ya, December 22nd, 3 PM, KFC Yum! Center. And them Texas girls are the ones to watch. Or maybe not. You just never know what’s gonna happen. That’s the fun of it!