Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about these here volleyball flash game things. My grandkids, they’re always on that dang computer, clickin’ and clackin’ away. Sometimes they play these volleyball games. Makes a racket, I tell ya! But they seem to have a good ol’ time with it.

So, this here volleyball flash game, it’s like that sport they play, you know, with the net and the ball. You gotta hit that ball over the net, and the other folks, they gotta hit it back. Keep it goin’, back and forth, back and forth. Lots of jumpin’ and divin’, like a bunch of grasshoppers in a hot field. Kids seem to get it, I don’t know how.
They use them buttons on the computer, you know. Up, down, this way, that way. They get all excited when they score a point, hootin’ and hollerin’. It’s like they are in the game or something, but it’s all on that there screen.
Now, I ain’t no expert on these computer things, but I’ve seen a few of these volleyball flash game things. Some look all fancy, with bright colors and all. Others, they look kinda old, like them pictures in them old photo albums, all faded and whatnot. But the kids, they don’t seem to mind. They just wanna play.
They say it’s good for your brain, these games. Keeps you sharp, they say. I reckon that’s true. You gotta be quick, think fast, like when you’re tryin’ to swat a fly with your hand. Gotta be faster than that fly, or he’ll get away. Same with these games, I suppose.
And there are a lot of these games. Some you play by yourself, some you play with other folks on that internet thing. I don’t know how it all works, but they talk to each other through that computer. Play against each other from across the world. Like magic, I tell ya.
Some of these games, they are free, they say. You don’t have to pay nothin’. Just play. That’s good, I reckon. Saves some money. You can play them on websites, they say. No downloads. Whatever that means.

- You hit the ball
- You jump and dive
- You try to win
- You use the keys
- It’s all on the computer
One thing I heard is some of these games, they ain’t got much to ’em. You play for a bit, and then it’s the same thing over and over. Like churnin’ butter, you just keep goin’ and goin’, but it’s always the same. Gets boring after a while, I imagine.
And them pictures, like I said, some of ’em ain’t so good. Like they’re from a long time ago. And the way them little people move on the screen, sometimes it’s just plain strange. Like they got a stick up their backside or somethin’. Makes me chuckle, but I guess it ain’t that good if you’re tryin’ to play a serious game. volleyball flash game are weird.
They say these volleyball flash game are a challenge. You gotta learn how to control them little people on the screen. Gotta learn which buttons to press, and when to press ’em. It’s like learnin’ a new dance, I suppose. Takes practice.
You gotta be ready for anything in these games, they say. Gotta dive for the ball, gotta spike it over the net. Whatever that means. Sounds painful, spikin’ somethin’. But the kids, they love it. They get all excited when they do a good spike.
This one game I saw, it was called “Spike Volleyball” or somethin’ like that. The kids were playin’ it. They said the playin’ part was okay, but it didn’t have much else to it. Just the same thing over and over. And them pictures, they weren’t so good. They say it’s hard to recommend. Whatever that means.
So, if you’re thinkin’ about playin’ one of these volleyball flash game, I reckon you should just give it a try. Might be fun, might not. Just don’t expect too much, I guess. And don’t let it take over your life, like some of these young’uns do. There’s more to life than just starin’ at a computer screen, you know.

You gotta be ready for some action, they say. Jumpin’, divin’, all that. Gotta be quick on your feet, even if it’s just your fingers on them buttons. It’s a workout for your fingers, if nothin’ else, these volleyball flash game, hah!
I still don’t understand it all, but if it makes the kids happy, then I reckon it ain’t all bad. They have fun, they learn somethin’, maybe. It’s better than them gettin’ into trouble, I suppose. At least they’re inside where I can keep an eye on them.