Well, well, well, look what we have here. Volleyball game for PS4, you say? Back in my day, we just had a net strung between two trees and a ball that was probably older than me. But these young folks today, they got their fancy video games. I seen my grandson playin’ one of them, somethin’ about shootin’ and runnin’. This volleyball one sounds a bit more my speed.

So, this PS4 thing, it’s like a little box, right? And you hook it up to your TV? My grandson, he tried to explain it to me once. Said it was like magic. I don’t know about magic, but it sure is somethin’. You can play all sorts of games on it, not just this volleyball game for PS4. I guess that’s nice. Keeps the kids outta trouble, maybe.
Now, I ain’t never played one of these video games myself. But I seen ’em. Lots of buttons and flashing lights. This volleyball game, I reckon it’s got buttons for jumpin’ and hittin’ the ball? Maybe one for, what do they call it, divin’? Like when you try to get the ball before it hits the ground. I used to be pretty good at that, back in the day. My knees ain’t what they used to be, though. I can hardly bend down.
This volleyball game for PS4, I wonder if it’s any good? I seen some folks sayin’ it’s called “Spike” somethin’. Sounds kinda violent, don’t it? Volleyball ain’t supposed to be violent. It’s a sport! You’re supposed to be sportin’, not fightin’. Unless you’re playin’ against that Johnson family. They always were a rough bunch, even at volleyball game. I don’t know why, they are always so angry.
They say there’s other games like it, too. “Super Volley Blast” and “Super Sports Blast,” I heard. Sounds like they’re tryin’ to make it sound all exciting, with the “blast” and all. Back in my day, we just called it volleyball. Didn’t need no fancy names. Just good, clean fun. This is a really good game, I think. I want to play it someday.
But these new games, they got all these, what do they call ’em, graphics? Like, how the game looks. Some folks say these volleyball games don’t look so good. Say they look old. Well, I’m old, and I don’t think I look so bad! Maybe these games are just fine the way they are. Don’t need to be all fancy and shiny to be fun, right?
And then there’s the, uh, animations. That’s how the little people in the game move, right? Some folks say they move kinda funny in this volleyball game for PS4. Well, maybe they just ain’t as good at volleyball as they think they are! Takes practice, you know. Lots of practice. We used to practice every day after chores. Up and down the field, jumpin’ and hittin’. Good times, good times.

- It’s hard to recommend the game to somebody.
- Even for a volleyball fan, they can not accept it.
- But there are plenty of other notable volleyball games.
- I will try it someday.
- I think I will have a lot of fun.
I don’t know if this volleyball game for PS4 is any good or not. But it sounds interestin’. Maybe I’ll ask my grandson to show it to me sometime. He’s always on that thing anyway. Might as well see what all the fuss is about. This is a really good game for young people, they can play it after school. But I don’t know if I can learn to play it.
You know, back in my day, we didn’t have no video games. We had to make our own fun. And we did. We played outside, we played with our friends, we played games like volleyball. It was a simpler time. But I guess times change. And these young folks today, they got their video games. And that’s okay, I guess. As long as they’re havin’ fun. That’s all that matters, right? Havin’ fun. If they are having fun, then that is good.
So, if you’re lookin’ for a volleyball game for PS4, maybe give this “Spike” thing a try. Or one of those “Blast” games. Who knows, you might like it. And if you don’t, well, there’s always somethin’ else to play. Just like there’s always somethin’ else to do. Life’s too short to not have fun, right? That is what my mom always told me.
Now, where did I put my teeth? I need my teeth if I’m gonna go ask my grandson about this volleyball game. He’s probably in his room, playin’ on that PS4 thing right now. Kids these days. I really want to play it.