That PlayStation 3, my grandson, he plays it all the time. Says it got lots of games. One of them, he says it’s called volleyball game. I don’t know much about these things, but he sure seems to like it. Says it’s like the real thing, but you know, on the screen.

He’s always yelling at the TV, “Spike it!” or “Set it up!” I reckon that’s what they say in that game. I just nod and smile. Back in my day, we played outside. But these young’uns, they like their electronics.
PS3 Volleyball Games, They Got ‘Em
So this volleyball game on the PS3, it’s one of many, he tells me. There’s that GTA game, sounds like trouble if you ask me. And another one called “God of War”. I said, “Ain’t no need for war games,” but he just laughed. Kids these days.
But this volleyball game, it seems harmless enough. He moves the little people on the screen with that controller thing. Says there are lots of different games, old ones, new ones, all about that volleyball.
- There are retro games, whatever that means.
- Games on something called SNES, PS2, and GameCube.
- Newer games on the Switch.
He says you can even play these games without the box, just on the internet. It’s called PlayStation Now, like it’s happening right now. I don’t understand it, but he’s happy, so that’s what matters. It is like streaming, he says, I just think of the stream down by the old mill.
Indoor or Beach, They Play It All
He was telling me there are two kinds of volleyball game. One’s indoor, played inside a big building, I suppose. And the other is on the beach, like those folks on TV with their fancy swimsuits.
The indoor one, he says they play best three of five sets. I don’t know what a “set” is, but it sounds complicated. They play to 25 points, then to 15 in the last one. Sounds like a lot of running around to me.

The beach one is best two of three. That sounds a bit easier. Less running, maybe. But they probably get all sandy. I wouldn’t like that. Sand gets everywhere, you know.
My grandson, he likes them both. Says some days he feels like playing indoors, other days on the beach. All on that little screen. It’s a wonder what they can do these days.
Volleyball Game, Good for Everyone, I Guess
He says anyone can play these volleyball games. Doesn’t matter if you’re good at sports or not. You just need that controller and the PS3. Says there are casual gamers, that means folks who just play for fun, I think. And then there are die-hard fans, those are the serious ones.
I reckon it’s good for them to have something to do. Keeps them out of trouble, I suppose. Though I still think they should go outside more. Fresh air never hurt anyone.
This volleyball game, it’s just one of many on that PS3. He’s got racing games, fighting games, all sorts. I can’t keep up. But as long as he’s happy, that’s the main thing. It is one of the best games on PS3, he always says. I am glad he has fun with it.
He tried to teach me once, but I couldn’t get the hang of it. Those buttons, they’re too small for my old fingers. And the screen, it’s all a bit too fast for me. I’ll stick to my knitting, thank you very much. But the boy is good at it. Always winning, he says.

Volleyball Game, It’s All Over the Internet
There is website called * or something, he says. Has lots of volleyball games there, he said. And that PlayStation Now thing, that has them too. You can play them on your computer, on your phone, everywhere, he says. It’s like magic, I swear.
I don’t know how it all works, but it seems like everyone’s playing these games now. It is popular, that PS3 volleyball game. My grandson’s friends, they all play it too. They talk about it all the time, who’s the best, who’s got the best team, all that. Young folks and their games.
So, if you’re into that sort of thing, that volleyball game on the PS3, it sounds like it’s worth a try. My grandson sure loves it. And there are plenty of others who do too. Just don’t ask me to play. I’ll be here with my knitting, watching the world go by.