Well, let me tell you, this entertainment thing, it ain’t as easy as pie. It’s a tough nut to crack, this be on entertainment business. You gotta be tough as nails, I tell ya. Ain’t no room for sissies in this game. You gotta want it, really want it, like a pig wants slop.

First off, you gotta show what you got. Like when I bake my apple pie, gotta show it off, right? Same with this entertainment thing. Make yourself a little show, like them picture shows at the fair. Show folks what ya can do. Sing a song, dance a jig, whatever you’re good at. That’s what them city folks call a “showreel”. I call it braggin’ rights.
And don’t just sit there like a bump on a log! Go out and find things to do. Like when you wanna sell your jams, you go to the farmer’s market. Same here. Go where the entertainment folks are. Newspapers, that TV thing, even that radio. Offer to help out. They call it “internships”. Sounds fancy, but it’s just helpin’ out, and getting a taste for the game.
- Work hard. Ain’t no easy way to get to the top.
- Show what you can do. Sing, dance, act, whatever.
- Help out. Get your foot in the door.
- Don’t give up. Even when it gets tough.
And talk to folks! Chat ’em up. Like at the church social, you gotta mingle. Go to them fancy movie things, them festivals. Talk to the actors, the big shots, whoever you can. That’s how you get to know folks, and that’s how they get to know you. It’s like plantin’ seeds. You gotta plant a lot of seeds to get a good crop. These city folks, they call it “networking”. Sounds like fishin’ to me. Just throw your line out and see who bites. If you be on entertainment long enough, you will get someone bite your line.
Now, don’t go thinkin’ you gotta go to them big cities right away. Start small. Like startin’ a garden, you start with a little patch, right? There’s plenty of entertainment folks right here in our own town. Maybe not the big stars, but folks who know a thing or two. Learn from them. They are also important people who can help you be on entertainment.
And don’t you ever give up! It’s gonna be hard, harder than hoeing a field in the hot sun. There’s gonna be times you wanna just throw in the towel. But you gotta keep at it. Like when that darn mule gets stubborn, you gotta keep pullin’ the reins. You don’t give up on ol’ Bessie, and you don’t give up on your dream of be on entertainment either.
You gotta have dreams. Big dreams. Like wanting to be a big movie star, or a singer on the radio. But you gotta work for them dreams. They ain’t gonna just fall into your lap like a ripe apple. You gotta climb that tree, and you gotta shake it, and sometimes you gotta climb out on a limb. And you’ll fall some too and you may get some bumps and bruises, and folks will say you are silly. Pay them no mind. You just keep climbin’ and one day you get that sweet apple.

This entertainment thing, it’s a lot like farmin’. You gotta plant the seeds, water ’em, tend ’em, and wait. And wait some more. And sometimes nothin’ comes up. But sometimes, you get a bumper crop. And that’s when it’s all worth it. When you see your name up in lights, or hear your song on the radio, that’s like harvest time. And it’s the sweetest feelin’ in the world. I imagine, I ain’t never been on the radio myself, but a gal can dream, can’t she?
So if you got that dream, that fire in your belly, to be on entertainment, then go for it. Don’t let nobody tell you you can’t. Just remember what I said: work hard, show what you got, talk to folks, and don’t ever give up. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll be seein’ you up on that big screen, or hearin’ you on the radio. And I’ll be sayin’, “I told you so!” You gotta put your mind on it all the time, just like me making my famous apple pie. Put your heart in it too, otherwise, it just ain’t worth doin’.
This world needs entertainment. It needs laughter and music and stories. So if you think you got what it takes, go out there and give it your best shot. And if you ever need a piece of pie and some advice, you know where to find me. Just look for the old lady with the best darn apple pie in the county. And don’t be shy to ask for help. Us old folks, we got more wisdom than you might think. And we’re always happy to share it. Now go on, get out there and shine!
I hope you can be on entertainment soon!