Well, let me tell you, I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout this thing called a nude volleyball game. Sounds kinda crazy, don’t it? Playin’ that volleyball game with no clothes on! I reckon it’s somethin’ those young people do these days. Got me scratchin’ my head, but I suppose it’s their business.

So, this here volleyball, it’s a game with a net, right? They hit that ball back and forth, tryin’ to make it land on the other side. They got teams, two teams I think, or maybe more, and they jump and they dive. Must be a sight to see, all them folks runnin’ around. They call it, they call this nude volleyball game, like I said. Just like regular volleyball, only different. They hit the ball over the net, block the other team’s shots, and set up plays, all without their clothes, it’s a naked volleyball tournament.
They say one person starts it off, throws that ball over the net. Then the other side, they get three tries to get it back over. If that ball hits the ground, well, the other team gets a point. Just like regular volleyball, only they doin’ it bare as the day they was born. I can only imagine all the sand.
I heard they got these big nude volleyball game events, tournaments they call ’em. One’s called the Super Bowl South Tournament. Sounds important, huh? Ten whole days of playin’ that game, with no clothes on, it’s a naked volleyball tournament. They got different levels, too. C for the new folks, and AA for the ones who are real good at it. Play on grass or sand, sounds like a hoot.
And get this, there’s a whole bunch of these naked volleyball tournaments. More and more every year, it’s a growing thing. That means more people playin’ this nude volleyball game. Some fella named Peter Allison, he’s been playin’ a long time, and he runs one of these things in Toronto, they say. Must be quite the organizer, gettin’ all them folks together to play with no clothes. This is called a naked volleyball tournament. You would think the heat would make people do it, but they say it’s shrinking.
- They got one called Hey Nude in December. Sounds chilly to me!
- They say teams sign up on Saturday morning, before they start playin’.
- Even single players can join, don’t need a whole team.
They got teams from all over the country, comin’ to play this nude volleyball game. Some of ’em even played in college, they say. Must be pretty good, then. I guess they played with their clothes on in college, though. This naked volleyball tournament is a whole different ball game, literally!
They play it every week, I hear. On sand or on grass. Must be somethin’ to see, all them folks runnin’ around, jumpin’ and divin’, with nothin’ on. It’s become a real thing, this playin’ volleyball naked. They call it naturism. Some new word they got. It’s a real popular nude volleyball game, apparently, although the whole thing is shrinking they say.

Well, I don’t know ’bout all that. Seems a bit drafty to me. But I guess if it makes ’em happy, who am I to judge? Just hope they don’t get too much sun where the sun don’t usually shine. And watch out for them bugs, too! Playin’ a nude volleyball game sure is somethin’ else.
I reckon if they enjoy themselves, that is all that matters. But I think I’ll stick to watchin’ my regular volleyball, with the clothes on, thank you very much. Still, it’s interestin’ to hear about, this nude volleyball game. Never thought I’d hear about somethin’ like that!