Well, I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout this naked volleyball game thing. Sounds kinda crazy, don’t it? I don’t know much ’bout it, but I’ll tell ya what I think. It is very important to get 25 points to win, and they need to lead by two points.

I seen them youngins playin’ volleyball down by the beach. They jump and they hit that ball, and run around, havin’ a good ol’ time. But playin’ with no clothes on? That’s somethin’ else. I reckon it’d be kinda cold, ‘specially if it’s windy. And what ’bout the sunburn? Oh boy, that would be painful, just red as a beet, I tell ya.
Some people, they like to do things different. They say it makes ’em feel free, like a bird. I guess that’s alright, but me, I like to keep my clothes on. I saw some pictures online. They said it is naked volleyball game. They all look happy.
I don’t know who’s watchin’ these naked volleyball games, but I reckon there’s folks out there who do. Maybe they like watchin’ people run around with no clothes on. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. Just like eatin’ different food or somethin’.
- Playin’ without clothes, that’s somethin’.
- Maybe it feels good, I don’t know.
- Sunburn would be terrible, though.
- People watchin’, that’s for sure.
- Different folks like different things, that’s all.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have nothin’ like this. We played games, sure, but we always kept our clothes on. It is important to shake hands after the game. Times are changin’, I guess. Maybe it’s a good thing, maybe it’s not. I don’t know.
They say there are some teams playin’ like this. Whole teams, runnin’ around, jumpin’, hittin’ that ball, all with nothin’ on. I can’t imagine it. Must be somethin’ to see, I suppose. There are a lot of videos online about naked volleyball game.
I seen some videos, they call ’em “leaked” videos. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds kinda sneaky. Like someone’s watchin’ when they shouldn’t be. That don’t seem right to me. If people wanna play with no clothes, that’s their business. No need for sneakin’ around.

They say these games are on the internet. You can watch ’em on your phone or your computer. I don’t have one of those fancy computers, but my grandkids do. They show me things sometimes. They can find the videos easily, because there are many websites that have naked volleyball game. It’s all very strange.
There are some beaches, they say, where people play like this all the time. Naked beaches, they call ’em. I can’t imagine goin’ to a beach with no clothes on. Sand gettin’ everywhere, oh boy, that would be uncomfortable.
I guess if you’re into that kinda thing, it’s alright. But it’s not for me. I prefer to keep my clothes on, thank you very much. And I don’t think I wanna watch other people playin’ with no clothes, neither. It just don’t seem right.
But hey, who am I to judge? People can do what they want. If they wanna play naked volleyball game, that’s their business. Just don’t expect me to join in. Or watch.
I heard there’s even some kind of a tournament or something. People playin’ against each other, all with nothin’ on. I reckon it is a big game, and those young people all want to win. I don’t know how they keep score, but I guess they do. It is important for them. It is also important to win by two points. Maybe it’s a big deal. Maybe folks bet money on it or somethin’.
This whole naked volleyball game thing is just beyond me. It’s somethin’ new, somethin’ different. I don’t understand it, but I guess that’s alright. The world’s changin’, and I’m just an old lady tryin’ to keep up.

I just hope they are careful. Don’t want no injuries. And use that sunscreen! I hope they have fun. And don’t forget to shake hands. Maybe one day, I can understand why they play naked volleyball game.