What are bench points? Let me tell you, it ain’t as fancy as it sounds. It’s simple, really. Just like when we count eggs from the hens that ain’t in the first coop, you know?

So, in that game, basketball, you got your main players, the ones who start the game. They’re like the roosters, always in the front. But then you got the others, the ones waiting on the side, on the bench. They’re like the hens waiting their turn to lay.
What are those Bench Points?
Bench points, they’re just the points scored by those players who ain’t starting. They come in later, fresh legs and all. Like when you send in your grandson to finish harvesting the corn ’cause you got tired. Those corn he brings in, those are like the bench points.
You see, the starting players, they get tired. They run around, jump, and all that. So the coach, he’s like the farmer, he sees they need a rest. He puts in the bench players. And if those bench players score, those are the bench points. Simple as that. It don’t matter who scores as long as you score more than them other folks.
Why Bother with Bench Points?
Now, why you care about these bench points? Well, it’s like this. If your starters ain’t doing so hot, like when your prize cow ain’t giving much milk, you need someone else to step up. That’s where the bench comes in. If they can score, if they can get those bench points, your team still got a chance to win. If only your main players score and the other folks score more, how you going to win?
- Bench players add points.
- Bench players give starters rest.
- Bench points can win you the game.
A good team, it ain’t just about the starters. It’s about everyone, even those on the bench. It’s like a good farm. You need the strong workers, but you also need the ones who can help out when the going gets tough. Even old folks like me can still shuck corn!
How You Count Those Bench Points?
Counting bench points is easy peasy. You just add up all the points scored by the players who didn’t start the game. Say one fella scores 10 points, another scores 5, and another scores 2. That’s 10 + 5 + 2 = 17 bench points. Just like counting your eggs at the end of the day.
Don’t matter how many points the starters score. We only care about the ones from the bench for this. It’s their time to shine, like when the sun finally hits that shady patch in the garden.
Bench Points, They Matter!
So, bench points, they’re important. They show you how good your whole team is, not just the stars. A team with good bench players, they’re like a farm with good soil. You can always grow something, no matter what. You might even get a bigger crop than your neighbor!
And let me tell you, a team that can rely on its bench, that’s a team that can go far. They ain’t gonna tire out as easy. They got fresh legs coming in, scoring those bench points. It’s like having a whole bunch of grandkids to help with the chores. The work gets done quicker, and you can all sit down to a nice big meal at the end of the day, happy and full.
So next time you’re watching that basketball game, and you see those fellas on the bench, don’t you underestimate them. They might just be the ones to win the game with their bench points. Just like that quiet hen that lays the biggest egg, you never know what they’re capable of. You just gotta give ’em a chance.
Don’t go thinking bench points are some complicated thing only them city folks can understand. It is simple. Anyone can understand and everyone should. You don’t need no fancy book learning to get it. Just good old common sense. And maybe a little bit of farm wisdom. That is all.
Bench Points in Other Games
Now, I hear tell they use this “bench” thing in other games too. Like that soccer, or that one with the sticks and the ice. Same idea. You got your main players, and you got the ones on the bench. If the bench players score those are bench points too. It’s all the same, just different games.

Don’t matter what game it is. Having a strong bench is always good. And don’t go thinking this is something new. We have been doing this forever. Just never called it “bench points.”