Well, let me tell you, this here volleyball game, it ain’t as simple as it looks. There’s rules, you see. Lots of ’em. And if you ain’t followin’ ’em, you’re gonna be in a heap of trouble. Now, I ain’t no expert, but I’ve seen a game or two in my time, and I can tell you the gist of it.

Six Players a Side
First off, you got your two teams. Each one’s got six folks on the court at once. Six! Can you imagine? Like a bunch of chickens in a coop, all tryin’ to get that ball. They run around, jump around, and try to hit the ball over the net. If they are not in the right place at the right time, then it is going to be a point for the other team.
Get That Ball Over the Net!
The whole point is to get that ball over the net and make it land on the other team’s side. Sounds easy, right? It ain’t. You can only hit it three times. That’s right, three. Bump, set, and spike, that’s what they say.
- Bump: That’s when you kinda push it up with your arms.
- Set: That’s when you get it ready for someone else to hit.
- Spike: That’s when you jump up and smack it real hard!
Serving the Ball is Important
Now, to start things off, someone’s gotta serve. And there’s rules for that, too. They will decide who will serve the ball first. Maybe they will toss a coin or something. You gotta stand behind that line at the back of the court. Step over it, and it’s a “foot fault,” they call it. No good. And the other team gets a point just like that. Then, the person on the other team will have to hit the ball back over the net. Then you all will start playing the game, hitting the ball back and forth until one team misses.
Keep Score
You gotta keep score, too. First team to get to 25 points usually wins. But, you gotta win by two points. So, if it’s 24-24, you gotta keep going until someone’s got a two-point lead. 25-23 is a win. But 25-24 is not. They play five sets of this, and the first team to win three sets wins the whole thing. In the first four sets, you have to get to 25 points to win the set. But in the last set, you only have to get to 15 points to win.
It ain’t as easy as just whacking a ball around. No sir! You can’t just grab it and throw it. Gotta hit it. And you can’t let it hit the ground on your side. You better be moving your feet!
Don’t Touch the Net
And don’t you be touchin’ that net. That’s a no-no. You touch that net, and the other team, they get a point. Just like that. These volleyball game rules are important, you know! Keeps things fair and square.

Rotating Around
And here’s another thing, they gotta rotate. Every time they win the serve back, they all gotta move one spot over, clockwise. It’s like a little dance they do. Keeps everyone on their toes, I reckon. They have to turn in the line up card to the referee before the game starts so that he knows where everyone is supposed to be on the court. If they are not in the right spot, then the other team will get a point.
Volleyball game rules. Phew! There are so many to keep track of! It is a lot to learn, that is for sure. If you are new to the game of volleyball, then you will have to ask someone who knows how to play for help.
Lots of Runnin’ and Jumpin’
These young folks today, they’re somethin’ else with their jumpin’ and divin’. They got all sorts of fancy names for their moves, too. “Digs” and “blocks” and such. Back in my day, we just tried to keep the ball from hittin’ the ground! But the rules of the game are still important to know. It does not matter how long you have been playing the game.
So there you have it. That’s volleyball in a nutshell. Or at least, as much as this old brain can remember. It’s a fun game to watch, that’s for sure. Lots of action. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Just remember, there’s more to it than meets the eye. All them rules and regulations. It takes time to learn them all. But it is worth it in the end!