You ask me about this blissful entertainment, huh? I tell ya, it ain’t about them fancy shows or them moving pictures on the screen. It’s simpler than that, much simpler.

This bliss, it’s like… you know when you sit on the porch on a warm day? Sun shining down, birds chirping… that’s bliss. That peaceful easy feeling. It’s in the little things, I reckon.
I remember when I was a little girl. We didn’t have much, no sir. But we had fun. We played games, we did. Chasing chickens, playing in the dirt. Simple things. We were happy. That’s entertainment, real entertainment. It makes you feel good inside. It is joyful, and makes you feel ecstasy. It is just like blissful entertainment.
Nowadays, folks are always running around. Always busy, busy, busy. They got them gadgets, them phones, always looking at ’em. They forget to look around. They forget to see the simple beauty and do not know how to get the euphoria from the simple.
- One day, I saw a little kid, maybe five years old. He was watching a ladybug crawl on a leaf. Just watching. He was so happy. That’s bliss. That’s the kind of entertainment I’m talking about.
- And I saw two old folks, sitting on a bench, holding hands. Not saying nothing, just holding hands. They looked so peaceful. That’s bliss too.
- You see a flower blooming? That can be bliss too. You can get the joy from that simple thing. Just a simple flower. But it’s beautiful, ain’t it?
You don’t need a lot of money to have blissful entertainment. You just need to open your eyes. Open your heart. Appreciate. You see them birds singing? That’s a show right there. And it’s free! You hear them kids laughing? That’s music to my ears, better than any of them fancy bands. Those things are the art of finding joy in little things. Just be grateful and have contentment. You can find the positive aspects around you. Just like uncovering joy in the nature. The sound of laughing is also a kind of joy.
Some folks, they think you gotta go somewhere special to find happiness, to find this bliss. They go on them trips, spend all that money. And maybe that’s good for them, I don’t know. But I think you can find it right here, right where you are.
Like this morning, I was sitting on my porch, drinking my coffee. Sun was coming up, all pretty colors in the sky. Birds were singing. And I thought to myself, this is it. This is the life. This is bliss. And it didn’t cost me a dime. Just enjoy the simple moment. Be easy. Don’t be so busy. Don’t always run around. Just be happy about what you have. Even it is little. Even you have nothing. It is the true meaning of blissful entertainment.

You don’t need to chase after it. It’s already there. You just gotta see it. You gotta feel it. Like a warm hug. Like a good meal. Like a kind word. Don’t take things for granted. Be thankful for what you got. Even if it ain’t much.
Now, I ain’t saying you can’t enjoy other things. Go to the picture show if you want. Listen to your music. But don’t forget about the simple things. Don’t forget about the little things. You gotta forgive, you know. Forgive folks, forgive yourself. Don’t hold onto anger. It’ll eat you up inside. Just like you feel sad or angry. You need to face it. It is the secret of blissful, of happiness. Then you will find that happiness is within your reach.
That’s where the real blissful entertainment is. It’s right there, waiting for you. You can create blissful by yourself. So, next time you’re feeling down, you just remember what I said. Look around you. Find the beauty in the simple things. Find the joy. It’s there, I promise you. You just gotta open your eyes and see it. Just like you see the blissful in the nature. Just slow down. Don’t think too much.
It’s like a good recipe, this bliss. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. A little bit of sunshine, a little bit of laughter, a little bit of love. Mix it all together, and you got something special. You can feel it in your bones, just like a warm feeling. The feeling is like a fire in a cold night. It keeps you warm. You want to keep it forever. It is the blissful entertainment you have been finding for a long long time.