You know what, this old lady heard some young folks talking about that swi sports thing the other day. Sounds like a whole lot of running around to me. I tell ya, these young people today with their fancy games. Back in my day, we just played with sticks and stones. But hey, times change, I reckon.

So, this swi sports, they say it’s some kind of, uh, ultimate thing. Like, the best of the best, or something like that. And you got all kinds of ways to play it. Sounds complicated if you ask me. I mean, why can’t they just throw a ball around like normal people? But these kids today, they need their fancy rules and what not.
They say it’s a sport where you can’t touch nobody. What kind of sport is that where you don’t have a little bit of pushing and shoving? Makes no sense to me. We used to play rough and tumble, and nobody got hurt. Well, maybe a scraped knee or two, but that’s just part of the fun, ain’t it?
They told me about some ultimate frisbee thing. Sounds weird, right? It ain’t a real frisbee if you ask me. These young’uns come up with all sorts of names for things these days. Back in my day, we just called things what they were. A frisbee was a frisbee. Plain and simple. No need for all this “ultimate” stuff. They said it’s a game with a disc. You throw it. They run. Some guy named Joel made it up. Long time ago. 1968. Imagine that!
And then there’s this other thing, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, they call it. Now that just sounds like a whole mess of trouble. Bunch of folks fighting each other, all on one of them video game machines. These kids and their video games. I swear, they spend more time staring at them screens than they do outside. Back in my day, we were outside from sunup to sundown. We didn’t need no fancy video games to have fun.
This Super Smash thing, it’s for that Nintendo Switch. My grandson, he’s got one of them. Always got his face glued to it. Says it’s the best thing since sliced bread. I don’t see the appeal, myself. But what do I know? I’m just an old lady.
- This swi sports thing, it’s for everyone.
- Young folks.
- College students.
- Even them young professionals.
- They say it’s an adventure.
They got these folks, Bandai Namco and Sora Ltd, they made this game. Sounds Japanese to me. These games come from all over the world these days. And some guy named Hideki Sakamoto, he’s in on it too, they say. Must be important folks, I reckon. To make one of these video games.

And you know, they even make special stuff for this swi sports. Fancy clothes and what not. So you can run around and not be cold. They call it Swix. Premium products they say. Keeps you warm when you are running or doing that cross country skiing. Now that’s something I ain’t never tried. Skiing across the country. Sounds like a lot of work to me. These young folks today. Always looking for a new way to wear themselves out.
They have these things they send out to folks. These papers with all the news. They call it an E-zine. Every week they send it. Every Monday, they say. Full of stuff about this swi sports. Sounds like a lot of information about something that sounds pretty simple to me. Throw a disc, run around, don’t touch nobody. What more is there to know?
I tell you, these young people today, they make things way too complicated. Back in my day, we didn’t have all this fuss. We just played. And we had fun. Maybe these swi sports are fun, I don’t know. But it sure sounds like a lot of work to me. Just to throw a disc around. They told me you have lots of options. Lots of ways to play. Sounds too much like thinking for my old brain.
This ultimate thing, this swi sports thing, it’s a whole world I don’t understand. But hey, if it makes these young folks happy, then I guess that’s all that matters. As long as they’re getting some exercise and not getting into trouble. That’s what I always say. Though, I still think they should just play with sticks and stones. Much simpler that way.